Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own Grey's Anatomy or any of its characters.

Meredith's whole body was hurting. And not just the 'I slipped and now I'm sore' type of hurting. This was the being stabbed and beaten and raped kind of hurting.

Meredith tried to take a breath. She found her chest hurt, and her throat was sore and scratchy. She realized she had been intubated.

Slowly she peeled open her eyes. She felt like there was something very important she needed to remember, but she found it impossible to try to focus on anything.  All she remembered was the man. His foul breath. The knife he kept stabbing her with. She started to freak out. What if he was coming back to get her. What if he was here right now! She sat bolt right up in bed. She saw Derek sleeping next to her. He looked exhausted. He had bags under his eyes and he was unshaven. She longed to go kiss him, but she knew he had an ex wife and a girlfriend who both hated her.

She slowly swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Holding back a scream. She hurt so much everywhere. She looked at the faint scars on her legs, knowing work that good could only have beed done my Derek's best friend Mark Solon.

She stood up and immediately feel over. In 10 minutes she was back in her feet with a pair of clean scrubs on. Meredith wasn't thinking straight. All she knew was that she needed to get out of the hospital. She gingerly crept out of the room trying not to wake Derek. She grabbed his hoodie on her way out. She covered her head and headed to the elevator hoping she wouldn't fall down. When she finally reached the parking lot she got in her car, glad that she always left it unlocked with the keys in it.


Derek woke 20 minutes later. That was the first time he had slept in 3 days. He looked over to find Meredith's bed empty and her purse, spare scrubs and his hoodie missing. First he checked in the bathroom. When he couldn't find her he started to panic. He immediately paged everyone he could think of. In less than five minutes Christina Yang, Izzy Stevens, George O'mally, Alex Kraev, Miranda Bailey, Callie Torrez, Preston Breuk, Mark Solon and Cheif Webber were standing inside the small hospital room. In a strained voice Derek repeated what had happened.

"I feel asleep around 30 minutes ago. I didn't mean to. Meredith was still unconscious. Then I woke up five minutes ago and she was missing along with my sweater her scrubs and purse. I checked in the bathroom already and I can't find her." At this point Derek was tearing up. "We need to check the security footage. To.. to make sure nothing else happened to her."  Everyone looked frightened at this possibility.

Then Chief Webber spoke up. "Beurk put the hospital in lockdown. Then get all the nurses looking. Solon, Kraev, and Yang make sure nobody leaves this hospital. Stevens, Torres and O'mally go check for her car and in Joe's bar. Derek, Bailey and I will go check the security footage.

When Derek saw Meredith fall while getting out of bed he chocked back a sob. If he hadn't been so dramatic and dumped Meredith because she wasn't ready in time, they would probably have gone to the room together and this would not have happened.

They switched from camera to camera following where she went until they saw her car pulling out of the parking lot. Derek immediately ran out of the room pushed past Mark, Christina and Alex and jumped into his car driving as fast as possible to get to Meredith's house.

When he got there he was realived to see Meredith's car. He parked his car and ran into her house. When he entered he heard her sobs and followed them to her bedroom. He saw her lying on her bed curled up in the fetal position crying. He immediately lay behind her. He felt her tense up. She seemed like a little dear. Ready to run at any moment. When he stared whispering into her ear she relaxed and spooned against him.

When Meredith had finally fallen asleep Derek felt her forehead and she was very hot. She was running a very high fever. Derek scooped her fragile body up and carried her down to his car, silent tears falling down his cheeks.

As Derek pulled up to the hospital a team of doctors were waiting for him. "Where have you been?" A very mad Miranda Bailey demanded. "She was scared. I had to wait with her until she fell asleep." Derek said as he scooped Meredith out of his car and laid her on a gurney.

She suddenly went rigid. She sat bolt upright grabbing her stomach and her head. "Derek?" She whispered. She sounded so heart broken and lost it would make anyone want to help her.

She started to cry as they tried to push her back on the gurney. She was trying to stay up. Derek could see she did not want to be forced to do anything right now.

"Stop the gurney." Derek said as they entered the hospital nurses still trying to push the crying Meredith back down. "Stop. This. Gurney!" Derek said louder this time. Bailey looked at him and stopped moving. Derek leaned over and scooped Meredith up into his muscular arms.

When she was safely nestled in his arms her crying stopped and her breathing became even. It was at that moment Derek knew for sure he wanted to marry this amazing woman who was pregnant with his children.

Bailey just shook her head as Derek gently laid the sleeping Meredith on her bed back in the hospital room. They decided against restraining her because Derek knew that would scare her even more. Instead they kept a nurse posted outside her door at all times to make sure she wouldn't escape, again.

They ran more tests on Meredith to make sure her and her babies were fine. When Dr. Kraev came back with the babies test results he looked grief stricken. "Your daughter." He began clearing his throat. "She has very underdeveloped lungs. Also she is not growing or receiving the proper amount of nutrition needed for healthy growth. Her... her survival rate outside of the womb is... at best a... 30%." As Kraev finished he showed the older doctor the charts. As Derek finished looking them over he immediately knew Kraev was right.

I hope you like it! Please comment me ideas! Also comment baby name ideas!!!

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