Chapter 10

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I woke up as Derek entered my room with a cup of tea is his hands.

"Ugg." I groaned smiling at him. "You are the best!"

Derek just laughed handing me my tea. I sipped on the hot drink and listened to Derek talk about one of his latest surgeries.

As he continued to talk I felt a weird sensation in my stomach. Brushing it off as nothing I laughed as Derek laughed. Trying to ignore the sensation.

I went to ask Derek something when I was hit with a contraction. "DEREK!" I screamed. "GET THE DOCTOR!"

As soon as those words were out of my mouth Derek had paged our peds doctor. Dr. Nelson.

"It's. Too. Early." I panted as Derek ran back into the room. Doctor in tow. It's only been 28 weeks!" I cried starting to hyperventilate.

"Meredith." Dr. Nelson said to me. "I need you to breath. Multiples do come early." She looked at me and Derek before adding. "Especially if you have been in a recently traumatic experience."

I held onto Derek's hand as the tears fell out of my eyes. "It's okay Meredith. They will be okay. They have to be."


"Meredith I am going to make the first cut now." Dr. Nelson told me.

I nodded my head before croaking out a small, "ok." Derek winced and I knew she had cut.

"Okay I have baby A here. He's the biggest." She pulled out a baby and after a split second he let out a high pitched wail.

I had tears of joy dripping down my face as a resident doctor put him in a incubator and started wheeling him toward the neonatal section. "Derek! Go with him don't leave him alone!" I said.

"I will when all three are out Mer." He said as Dr. Nelson pulled out the second baby. Baby B. He let out a few pitiful squeaks as he was also wheeled away.

"God. Mer they are so beautiful!" Derek said his eyes shinning with tears.

"And baby C!" Dr. Nelson said as she pulled out our little girl. She was significantly smaller than her brothers. But her scream was two times louder.

"Derek go with them!" I said smiling and crying tears of joy as Derek left with our daughter to go find our son.

As Dr. Nelson started to close up I lay back on the table thinking about my beautiful children and amazing husband. And the bright future we had ahead of us.

Hey guys! I finally updated! I hope you like it I think there will be one or two more chapters and a epilogue! Then Attacked will be done!

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