Chapter 9

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As the car hit the cold water I scrambled to get out. If not for myself then for my kids. It was the ferry boat accident all over again. Except this time I was trapped. I punched a window as the car started to fill with water. Again, and again, and again.


Water rushed in slamming me backwards. I took one last gulp of air as I forced my pregnant body through the window. As I started to swim upwards something grabbed my ankle. I looked down to see Hammer trying to pull me down. He yanked my food down before starting to swim up.

My lungs felt like they were going to burst. I struggled to swim upwards again. Using any strength I had left to propel myself towards the air.

As my hand broke the water back spots surrounded me and I went unconscious.



The rhythmic beeping of my heart monitor woke me up. I started at the celling trying to remember how I got here when I felt something silky on my arm. Looking to the side I smiled as I saw Derek asleep in the chair beside me. Using my arm as a pillow.

I lifted my other arm and stroked his hair enjoying the look of content that crossed his face. "Meredith?" Derek's sleeping voice said cutting through my thoughts.

"Hey." I said quietly quickly grabbing the water he handed me.

"Mer I'm so glad your alive! I was so worried I though I lost you again!" Tears threatened to spill over both Derek and my face.

"I'm not going anywhere." I told him my voice cracking as he hugged me hard.

"The kids!" I said suddenly breaking away from our hug.

"They are fine! They are extraordinary just like their parents." He told me pressing his face against mine as he kissed me.


"Grey you definitely have nine lives." Alex stated stepping into my room grinning.

"Agreed." Izzy said running over to give me a quick hug.

"Yea for once I agree with Alex." George said stepping into the room followed closely by Christina.

"Meredith you are a hard boiled egg in a world of well... other not hard boiled eggs." Everyone looked at her strangely. "It sounded better in my head." She stated before sitting down in chair beside Derek with a sigh.

"Thanks for coming guys it means a lot." I told them sincerely.

"No its the least we could do!" Izzy said and George and Alex nodded their heads agreeing with her.

"And we got bored cause there are no good surgeries." Christina said bluntly before laughing. "Kidding. Well not about they surgery part. But of coarse we were going to come see you." I smiled and suddenly started feeling tired.

Derek just chuckled as I yawned and everyone left the room. "Get in bed with me?" I asked him and he quickly climbed in behind me wrapping his arms around my belly kissing my hair as I fell into a nice sleep perfectly happy in that moment.

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