Chapter 5

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Meredith Grey collapsed into tears as her friend Alex Kraev delivered the news that her daughter would most likely not survive out side the womb. Derek her boyfriend stroked her hair and comforted her as tears also ran down his cheeks.

It was one week since Mr. Dunn had beaten and raped Meredith. She had not yet been released from the hospital. Derek had been putting the finishing touches on THEIR house.

Meredith was still getting comfortable being left alone in her room. Men besides Derek could only come and visit her if Derek or one of her female friends were there. They had only discovered Meredith had PTSD three days ago.

"Mer. Hey Mer. I snuck you in some burgers." Alex Kraev said standing at the foot of the bed. Meredith laughed and started to thank him when she realized they were alone.
She looked around. The lights were on the blinds were up. Then she looked back to Alex. All she saw was HIS face. Him standing above her forcing himself into her tiny body. Meredith couldn't breath. She started to choke.

Alex ran to the side of her bed. Meredith screamed harder and tried to get away. "Mer! Mer! It's me, Alex! Evil Spawn! You are ok!" Alex said trying to calm her down. "No no no no no no no. Get away please. Please stop. Don't kill me. Stop it hurts. Please stop." Meredith was screaming she scampered to the back of the room so her back was against the wall.

Christina then ran in. "Meredith? Meredith it's okay it's me Christina. Your person. And Alex, Evil Spawn. Meredith however was still in her flash back. "Derek! Somebody please help! Help!"
By now almost everyone was in her room. People was trying to calm her down comfort her. "Meredith?" Miranda Bailey said stepping into the room. "Meredith sweetly calm down. It's okay. You are having a flashback." Meredith turned her head to where Miranda was standing. Although her eyes didn't see her. "I... I want Derek." She said her voice empty and heart broken.
"Page Shepard. Now!" Bailey said to George O'mally who was watching Meredith with a broken heart.

Meredith suddenly seemed to snap out of it. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." She said as she fell to the ground in tears. Christina stepped up and laid her hand on Meredith arm only to have her scream and curl up into a ball. It was then Derek came running into the room. He was getting lunch for himself and Meredith when he was paged. Derek simply scooped her up and sat on a chair rocking her in his arms.

K. So not my favorite or best written chapter. Comment names for the triplets and if you think the baby girl is going to be a fighter like her mommy.😃

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