Chapter 7

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I woke up to the smell of waffles and coffee. I slowly sat up and grabbed my crutches that were conveniently lying against the bed where Derek had put them after he had insisted on carrying me on last night.

I changed out of my fluffy pjs and into my out Dartmouth shirt and a pair of light blue jeans. I brushed my hair and put it up into a sloppy pony tail and hobbled out toward the kitchen.

"Hey! Your awake! I was going to bring this up to you but you ruined the surprise." Derek said faking sadness. I laughed and kissed him before I sat down and started enjoying his waffles.

"Uhhhhg these are so good!" I said, well tried to say with my mouth stuffed full of waffle.

Derek chuckled at me. "The hospital, it is making you do some therapy before you go back in to work." He said slowly as if he was waiting for me to start yelling. What I did instead was shocking toward the both of us.

"Meredith? Are... are you crying?" Derek asked me immediately rushing toward my side.

"No! Well yes! I don't know! Yes! I guess I cry when I'm mad. But I didn't even know I was mad until I was crying. So does that mean I'm crying because I'm made it I'm mad because I'm crying. I'm really confused and all I can think about right now is how grossly dirty our house is, how I'm really mad about the therapy thing, my hormones are going crazy and I really want no need to get laid and I really really want some chunky peanut butter. Not crunchy. Chunky." I exclaimed finally finishing my rant.

Derek looked at me with an odd expression on his face. "Oooookay. So do you want to get laid first?" He asked a cheeky smile worming it's way onto his face.

I sighed before sobbing into by arm. "I... just... really... want... some... PEANUT BUTTER!" I yelled between sobs. Derek rubbed my back while this was all happening.

A few months later...

"Derek! Derek!" I shouted from my position in our bed. I heard the creaking of the stairs and then he opened our door and poked his head in.

"Hey Mer! What do you need?" He asked looking sightly terrified. It was very amusing about how scared he was about my hormones. And everyone knew it. I was finally back at work after some horrible therapy I was finally cleared for surgery.

"I NEED to pee. Right now!" I told him throwing the cover off my legs and heaving my heavily pregnant body over the edge of the bed.

My pregnancy was going extremely well especially for a mother expecting multiples. After an emergency fetal surgery our daughter was now growing healthy. She was going to be much smaller than her brothers but so far so good.

As I waddled because my belly was much to big for walking. Derek and I shot named back and fourth towards each other. "What about Alex for a boy?" I asked Derek as I finished brushing my teeth and hair. "I really like that one Mer! Oh but Kraev would think we named the baby after him. And that would be strange." He replied. "I also like Aiden!" He suggested as I finished sliding into my extra stretchy jeans and walked downstairs. "What about for our little girl? Hummm. Ohh! I found this name in a baby book and I loved it! What about Annabelle?" I asked my eyes practically shining. "I... I love it!" Derek said as we got in his car. Then he looked at me. "I also love you." He said in a very low very sexy voice.

I stepped into the hospital and got paged down to the ER. "Dunn. Jackson. On the heart transplant list had a minor seizure at home. I would suggest monitoring his vitals." The paramedic
said looking at me. I however could only go over his last name in my head a minute before it really started to sink in. This man... was related to my attacker.

"Uh okay." I said trying not to show how shaky my voice was. 

I suddenly realized that I was the only female in the room. I had not had a PTSD episode since that one in the hospital but I could feel one coming on.

"Mrs?" The paramedic asked me. I slowly turned around and speed waddled out of the room to find Derek.

As I was walking in the hall I spotted Miranda Bailey. "Bailey!... need... Derek!" I managed to get out between my panicked breathing.

"He's in trauma three." She told be before walking off.

"Hey. Mrs are you okay? I can take you to wherever your going." A nice looking paramedic said as he walked up to me. I nodded my head and he started leading my away from the crowds. That's when I started getting confused. I never told him where I needed to go. So where was he taking me?

I went to turn around but I felt a grad cold metal circle pressed against my spine. "If you don't keep your mouth shut and keep walking I will shoot you through your spine killing your children and at best paralyzing you!" He said gleefully.

He pushed me out the back entrance and into a big car. It was then Derek walked out talking with Beurk. "Help! Help!" I started screaming pounding my fist on the car window. Derek stared at me before chasing our car. Sadly we had lost him within 5 minutes.

That's when I felt a knife at my throat. "Fuck ! Why'd you get a pregnant one Hammer?" The boy with the knife asked. "This is the one Ro...I mean she wanted." The man now know as hammer said.

"Hopefully her baby will go in distress and then we can sell her." Wait. Did they say sell I thought processing knife boys words.

What was going on?...

Plot twist!!!!! Who do you think got those men to capture her??? What do you think Derek will do???

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