Chapter 6

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As the elevator doors opened and Derek pushed my chair out people flocked around trying to get a look at Meredith. It was a month since the "indent" as people were calling it. Thy were afraid that saying John Dunn my rapist would break me.

She was showing. Not a little, a lot. Everyone thought her daughter wouldn't survive. Meredith knew different.

"Hey Meredith congrats!" Someone I didn't recognize called to me.

"Hey how are you?" Another person asked.

When Derek had finally managed to wheel her outside the hospital they were greeted by Derek's ex girlfriend. Rose.

"Hey Derek!" She cooed. As she strutted up to him. Pushing her breasts up to make them look extra large.

"Rose." He said not even glancing at her. His gaze was instead focusing on Meredith who had a knee brace on. Because of her torn ACL.

"Sooooo. Derek wanna get a drink. Tonight. With... me! I know how much you've been hurting since you were forced to dump me because of this little whore." She said glancing at Meredith for the first time.

"Rose. Don't you ever. I mean ever refer to Meredith as a whore! She is an amazing surgeon and a very nice person!" Derek said forcefully looking Rose straight in the eyes.

"Oh my gosh. You are sooo right Der-ber! She's not a whore at all! She's just the slut your fucking because she lets you!" Rose yelled back at Derek prancing away smacking his butt on her way back inside the hospital.


"Hey Addy." Rose said picking up her cell.

"We've got to do this. Now!" With that Rose snapped her cell shut and walked out the back door, where she met a tall thick figure dressed in all black. She handed him a envelope of money. He took to greedily then nodded at her before walking away. "Tomorrow afternoon. Meredith Grey is going down." He whispered to himself clutching the money close.

Hey!!! So what do you think??? What do you think should happen to Meredith and the kids??? Also any names would be awesome!!! Thanks for the 100+ reads!!!!

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