Chapter 11

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I sat in the rocking chair beside my daughters crib. Softly stroking her arm. Derek and I were finally able to take them home today. I slowly stood up and shuffled between my two sons looking at all their names again.
Aiden Derek Shepard
Adrian Christopher Shepard
Annabella Ellis Shepard
It had been a week since the triplets were born. Derek and I already had over two hundred pictures of each baby. They were born surprisingly healthy for premies. And none of them needed oxygen.

"Hey Mer!" Derek said as he stepped into the room. Somehow carrying a big diaper bag and three car seats.

Laughing I stepped over to him and grabbed the bag out of his hand. "Common let's get them changed and go home!" We had decided to colour code the cloths and pretty much everything else. The colours were Blue, Green and Pink. They were each dressed in a small onesie in their respective colours and had a blanket knitted by Izzy tightly wrapped around each of them.

As we put the into their car seats Adrian quickly fell asleep. His small head tilted side ways with his long dark lashes splayed across his cheek. Adrian had small whisps of black hair and bright blue eyes. Aiden, our biggest observed everything with his dark green eyes and thick blonde hair. Annabella was the trouble maker. She was constantly wanting attention and with her aqua eyes and head fully of curly black hair who could deny?

As we parked the car and headed inside we were greeted by Izzy, George, Christina, Mark, Lexie, Bailey, Richard and pretty much everyone else.


After everyone had left Derek and I stood in the doorway of our kids bedroom. All three were sound asleep. Derek and I looked at each other and smiled.

"Good night." We said softly at the same time and headed into our room hand in hand.

It's finally done!!!!!! I promise I will have do an epilogue so comment ideas!!!!!! Thanks to everyone who read through all the chapter with me! And especially my friend MarleeGrey !!!💜💜

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