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"Mom!" A male teenage voice called out rousing me from my sleep. "Mom!" The voice called even louder this time.

I slowly sat up and glanced at my sleeping husband. His dark McDreamy hair was splayed all over the pillow and he his mouth was hanging open.

"Mom!" A 16 year old boy in baggy pyjama pants walked into my room. His shaggy black hair was falling into his piercing blue eyes.

"Yes Adrian?" I asked rubbing sleep from my eyes.

"Bella is using all the hot water!" He whined. Causing me to chuckle at how childish he could be.

"Okay I'm coming." I hopped out of bed and walked over to the kids bathroom. "Annabelle! Your brothers need to shower too! Otherwise we will all be dying in boy sweat and bad cologne!" I said smiling teasingly back at Adrian.

"Coming!" My daughters voice called back as the shower water turned off. A few minutes later the door opened and Annabelle stood wrapped in a large towel that engulfed her tiny frame. Her black hair in wet ringlets framing her face.

"Good morning beautiful." I said kissing her cheek.

"Morning mom!" She said looking at me with her beautiful aqua eyes.

As I turned to leave I almost ran into my third son Aiden reading a book while walking. His big blue eyes were framed by thick rimmed black glasses and his wet blond hair was cropped on his head. "Sorry mom!" He said not looking up from his book.

"Aiden give me a hug!" I said as he turned around and gave me a quick hug allowing me to sneak a peak at what he was reading. "University rocket science?" I asked him my brows furred. "I don't remember having to read that in high school."

"Oh uh no. This is my pleasure reading!" He said before continuing his walk to the kitchen.

I simply shook my head and grabbed Adrian into a hug before letting him run into the bathroom.

I sighed and walked back into our bedroom to get changed.


As I stepped out of Derek and my room I was greeted by the delicious smell of pancakes and syrup. I ran over and chuckled at the sight. Aiden was attending to eat a pancake while reading and taking to Derek who was simply laughing. Aidan was stuffing a mountain of pancakes bigger than his head into his mouth while still managing to keep his face clean. Annabella was carefully eating a pancake and laughing at her brother.

"Mer!" Derek called kissing me.



"Adrian stop being such a child! Mom and Dad are so sweet! Aren't they Aidan?"

"Ugh ya?"

Derek and I broke apart laughing as we started at our perfect family.

We were brought out of reality by the honking of the school bus. "By kids! Mom and Dad love you!"

"By Mom! Bye Dad!" Annabella called back as she ran onto the bus.

"Yea! Bye Mom and Dad!" Aidan said, still reading.

"Yo!" Adrian called running behind his siblings onto the bus.

Derek and I got into our car and drove off to work. Thinking about our amazing children. Until...

"Hey Mer?"


"Adrian got sent to the principles office... again."

I hope you liked it! It was really fun to write creating the kids personalities! I'm really going to miss this story! And I want to do another shout out to my friend MarleeGrey for supporting me throughout the whole fic! So thanks again everyone!💜

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