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"ASHLEY!!! COME DOWNSTAIRS PLEASE?!" My dad yells. I just finished organizing my room and I walk downstairs. I smell something really nice. I see my stepmother just finished cooking. "Bring this to the neighbours, and tell them who you are" I nod and take over the meal.
I ring the doorbell, and I hear that someone opens the door. I look at the ground "hi, I'm Ashley, we are new here. My stepmother cooked for you." I give the woman the food and she thanks me "thank you sweetie, welcome to your new neighborhood! Do you want to come over at 7 and eat here, tomorrow? Ask your dad and stepmother okay?" I nod and smile a bit. "Thank you" I smile again and walk away.

"She asked us to come eat tomorrow." My dad nods and looks at Amanda "that's okay" Amanda nods and we start to eat

~ sunday morning ~
"Goodmorning!" My dad kisses my forehead
"Why did you have to wake me up?"
I look at the clock. 12 pm.
"Uhm because you slept enough now" I nod and stand up. I get on some clothes because I think it's super awkward to go downstairs in my pajamas.
I go downstairs and the table is empty "where's my dinner?" I ask my dad
"You're too late sweetie" Amanda answers. I roll my eyes and look at my dad "what?!" I ask him confused
He smiles "uh... you are too late"
I roll my eyes again and walk away. School tomorrow... it'll be horrible. No one knows me and I will be super lonely.

About 30 minutes later we have lunch, and in the afternoon we go to the shopping. My dad buys me some new clothes and they are much better than what I've got at the moment.

 My dad buys me some new clothes and they are much better than what I've got at the moment

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The things I got today ^^^

It's 6.30 pm and I tell my dad "we're going to eat at the neighbour's at 7" he nods and tells everyone to get ready. My little brother asks me "Ash? Do they have children?" "I didn't ask" I kiss his forehead and I go to my room to get ready. I get my new clothes on but no make up. I spray some perfume and go downstairs.
My dad rings the doorbell exactly at 7 pm and a girl from about 10 years old opens the door "hey I'm aaliyah" I nod slowly "hey.. I am... uh... I'm Ashley. I'm 15 years old and this is my brother, Matthew, he is 6 years old. My dad" I point at my dad "and Amanda, my stepmother" I point at Amanda "and her two children" I point at Mila and Jack "they are 6 and 10 years old" everyone greets Aaliyah and she lets us in.
A boy from around my age stands up from the couch. "Hey I'm Shawn, I'm 15" I smile at the handsome boy and greet his parents. Everyone greets each other. Karen smiles "kids, go upstairs, and Shawn and Ashley, please look after the kids." I nod and Shawn rolls his eyes "ok" I look at him and we go upstairs. "So, you are Ashley?"
"Call me Ash"
"Okay, Uhm Ash, which school are you going to?"
"Uhm, that school that is next to the parc you know"
"Yeah, I go there too"
"Nice" I give him a little smile
Ther children play on the xbox and we sit on the bed. Shawn is at one side and I sit at the other side. I feel super awkward and don't know what to say.
"Wanna go to my room? There won't happen anything to the kids. It's okay"
I nod. He stands up and I follow him. In his room are guitars and a microphone. "You sing?"
"Yeah, I do covers on youtube and vine"
I nod slowly "cool, I play the flute and I love to sing but my voice is horrible" I laugh. "Can you sing something?"
"Of course!" He stands up and he takes one of the guitars. He starts singing
"It's too cooooooooold for you here...." (I'm too lazy to type everything but he sings sweater weather)
"Wow, that's really good!"
"Thank you, I think we're going to eat now"
We go to the room where the children are playing and we go downstairs with all the children

We eat and after the dinner my dad thanks Karen "thank you for this really nice dinner, I hope our children will become friends and that they will feel better soon. Because they had to leave all their friends at home" then my dad whispers "especially Ashley, she feels really bad at the moment" Karen nods "no problem! I hope that too"
Amanda smiles "you can come over to eat next week if you want to?"
Karen nods and smiles. Aaliyah cheers "yay!"
I look at Shawn and he smiles "see you soon!" We walk out and when we are home my dad says "Ash, you should ask Shawn if he wants to come here tomorrow, after school. Karen gave me his phone number for you. And his instagram." He gives me a paper with the number and the instagram name on it.


I recognize that but... I don't know...
I type his phone number in my phone and text him

A: hey, it's Ashley
~ 10 minutes later ~
S: hey Ashley!
A: uhm I wanted to ask you something
S: yeah?
A: wanna come over tomorrow after school?
S: okay! What about going to school together tomorrow? I'll help you to feel good quick!
A: oh that's nice. Thank you. In which class are you?
S: I'm in class 3 C
A: oh we're in the same class!!!
S: cool
A: yeah
S: I'm super bored
A: so am I
S: wanna come over?
A: rn?
S: why not
A: uhm okay?
S: see yah
A: in 5

"Where are you going?" My dad asks as I get on my shoes
"Not too long ok?"
"I don't know yet"
"WHAT?" my dad stands up and comes to me.
"That I don't know yet"
"IF YOU DON'T LISTEN TO ME YOU DON'T GO AT ALL!" He yells while he holds my arm violently. "RELAX!" I scream "YOU'RE HURTING ME!" He let go of my arm and hits me in my face making my cheek bleed. "Sorry" he sighs "ARE YOU CRAZY?" I walk away angrily and I stand at the Mendes' door. I don't knock because my face bleeds and I don't want Shawn to see me like this. I hear the door open sh*t too late "oh my god Ashley what happened?" I wipe my tears away and try to wipe the blood away but I make it worse "ugh. It's okay" he looks at my cheek "uhm I don't think it is... why are you crying?" I sigh "I'm okay I swear" he looks at the bruise on my arm and lets me in "mom!" Karen walks in and sees me "oh.. my... god..."
I smile a little "I'm okay" she shakes her head "it doesn't really look like you are "what's that bruise on your arm? What happened?" She gets a glass of water and some towels and she cleans my face "thank you" I laugh "I'm okay" She looks worried "what happened, it looks like someone hit you" I stop laughing "ugh nothing"
"Who?" Shawn looks worried too
"Let's go upstairs" Shawn looks at me
"Sure" I answer
I follow him to his room and we sit down on the bed "are you sure that you are okay?" I nod "I'm sure" he smiles "okay"
We talk a bit to get to know each other and we take some selfies "hahah this one is super funny, can I post it on instagram?" He asks
I nod "sure, haha"
He posts it and it gets immediately thousands of likes and comments.
"What?" I'm surprised
"Hah that are fans" he laughs
"Fans?" Still surprised
"Uh yeah?" He smiles "I make covers on vine and youtube and people kinda like my videos"
"Oh okay? So you are a famous person?" I laugh
"Uh, I won't call myself a famous person but yeah I don't know"
He laughs and I laugh. I think we could become really good friends. But I think he has many friends and I don't
"You have many friends right?"
He nods "you will too"
I shake my head "no, I won't"

A long way home {a Shawn Mendes fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now