Chapter 1: Routine

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The whole unit had been chasing dead end leads for the whole morning and their patience was wearing thin. Antonio and Zoe walked up the stairs towards intelligence where the others were looking through their CI files for what seemed the 20th time. The two detectives has been on their feet all day as their fellow colleagues continued to reach out to their CI's. The team had been investigating a trafficking ring after a body of a young girl was found on Park Lane in the early hours of that same morning.

Zoe and Erin has been the ones to notify the mother of the young girl, the two detectives had a strange feeling about the mothers reaction but decided to continue doing their job and investigating the death.

“The mother” Zoe blurted out gaining the intelligence units attention “We’re so focused on how or why we still have no who.” Zoe sighed, her aggravation was clear. "Mouse, how quickly can you gain access to the mothers bank accounts?"

"Doing it now"  Mouse nodded as he stared typing.

“What is it?” Voight questioned, confused by Zoe's fearful expression as she picked up one of her files that she had collected from Vice during the week.

Zoe rushed to the board and began writing different figures and what seemed to be dates harshly around the photo of the young girl that had been placed in the middle of the whiteboard. The young girl was pretty, she was aged just 17 and had high aspirations in life. Her hair was mousy blonde and her eyes green.

“I've.." She cut herself off before she motioned from Antonio and back to her "we've come across a case like this before. If I'm right then the mother or parents should have had a hefty sum transferred into their banks around $300,000 to 500,000 dollars."

This caught her partners attention "The Conner Magrawn case?" He voiced his thoughts for a minute looking at the file Zoe had written up when they were in Vice  "That was nearly, what? 9 years?" he looked up to Zoe, he could see both determination and guilt in her eyes.

Zoe nodded "It was my first case wi-" she cut herself off.

"Boss, Zoe's right the mother just had a deposit of $420,000 transferred into her account. It was transferred withing three transactions" Mouse explained.

“Are you sure about this Severide?” Zoe only nodded in response.

The whole team waited in anticipation as Voight called the district for a warrant.

“Warrant has been approved let's roll out” Voight left his office and headed towards the roll out.

The teams quickly arrived at the scene and hurried through the mother's apartment.

“Dawson and Severide I want you to wait outside” Voights ordered stopping the two from entering the house.

“Is that an order?” Zoe chuckled earning a disapproving glare from Voight as she held her hand up. Her cell began to ring and she quickly answered “Hello?”

"We're too late, she's  moved out.  No sign of her" Voight shook his head as they left the house "Let's Get to the district and find this son of a bitch"

"Hank, I may have a CI" Zoe informed as she get off her cell. The detective and the officer made their way towards Bucktown where Zoe's CI was waiting.

“Go. Ruzek you go with her" Voight instructed as the two left in the direction of Zoe's truck.

The kid that spoke was about 19, his hair was short and jet black. He looked clean and well looked after which confused Ruzek slightly usually CI'S had an element of scruffiness to them but he wasn't.

“Cannavan, who's the guy?” Ruzek had never heard of the name Cannavan before but chose to leave it for now.

“This is Ruzek Joey, you said you had something for me” Zoe smiled pushing slightly as she leant against the wall. Ruzek watched from a safe distance behind Zoe, she may be new to the unit but she had far more experience than him.

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