Chapter 13: Thierry.

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The weather was beginning to turn and it was no longer as cold as it had been in Chicago. The small crowds in the airport began to form into bigger ones as passengers departed and boarded from O'Hare airport . It was exactly the same as it had been when she had came home nearly 10 months ago.

"Don't think so hard Lieutenant Cannavan."  A voice said from behind her. It was a voice she could recognize anywhere but she was sure that was because he was also a 'haole' as they were refereed to in Hawaii.

 "Danno" Zoe's blank expression quickly turned into a wide smile. Running up Zoe held on to Danny like a child, he had been somewhat a father figure for the young detective.

"How are you doing kiddo?" He asked as he gently lowered the woman to floor. After reassuring the detective she was fine she quickly greeted her other ex-colleagues.

The group - Zoe, Steve, Danny, Lou and Chin - all made their way towards Zoe's truck. Kono had decided to stay back in Hawaii because Adam had only just returned from his business trip which left the men to fly out to the Windy City.

Zoe had rounded the truck but the Commander seemed to follow. She jumped back slightly at the sight of the dark haired man standing over her. "Is there a problem? Are you just gonna stand there and stare?"

Danny had poked his head out from the backseat window where he had made himself comfortable.

"Oh you want the keys. He wants the keys." Danny pointed out in a knowing tone. It had always been the same no matter who was with him Steve McGarrett always wanted to be in control.

"And he's not having them so get in." She stated matter if factually before turning to Steve and nudging him out of the way. "I'm serious!"

Jumping in the car she waited for her sulking side kick to get into the passenger side before she started the engine.

Lifting a leaflet from the side door she held it towards Lou who sat on the outside of the backseat. Thankfully Zoe's truck was state of the art and was ideal to seat three adults in the back, not that she did very often. "Hey Lou? Would you like to do the honors?"

"You're an Angel Cannavan, you really are." The man hummed happily.

Steve noticed how Zoe tensed as Lou mentioned her name, he hadn't realized anything strange before but he hadn't been looking.

Zoe must've caught him staring because she started to shift in her seat uncomfortably as if she was trying to melt into it.

"There's one thing you guys should know.." Zoe started slowly, when she was sure everyone was listening she lifted her left hand slightly and continued. "My past is just that. In the past. Me and Jamie have moved on."

When the four men looked at her in surprise, they had been with Zoe during her time of grieving and they knew how hard it had been. When no one spoke up Danny took it upon himself to reply, leaning forward he rested a hand on Zoe's shoulder squeezing it tightly.

"Good for you babe." Danny smiled gently. Concentrating on the road Zoe headed for the district.


Upon arriving the district Zoe ushered her ex-colleagues up towards the unit whilst she parked the truck in the turn out room. 

Steve, Danny, Chin and Lou all made their way up to the bullpen. Whilst Chin and Steve chocked slightly at the musty smell that carried throughout the building Lou and Danny inhaled it, after all they were main-lander cops and were used to these old fashioned buildings.

Reaching the top of the stairs they were all greeted by the detectives and officers of the Intelligence unit. Voight gestured for McGarrett to join him in his office at the back of the bullpen leaving the rest of the teams to converse.

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