Chapter 9: The Anniversary

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Today was the day. Today 4 years ago Detective Kyle Cannavan was shot down trying to protect his wife who at the time had been carrying his unborn child. Zoe had been 19 weeks pregnant when Kyle was killed, due to her height, weight and her ability to cover the bump in oversized outfits she barely had a bump at the time and that in its own right was the only reasons she had been allowed to enter the building where her best friend Antonio and her husband Kyle had been held hostage.

Now four years later, her son was 3 years old, she had spent 6 months in New York and 2 and a half years in Hawaii before coming back to Chicago.


It had just turned 5:30 when Zoe's alarm clock rung that morning. Usually she would want to throw the alarm clock at a wall but today the constant clattering sound was close to becoming the only thing bearable about the day she had ahead. Laying there Zoe looked up towards the ceiling, she didn't even try to wipe away the tears that began to fall down her face. After a while sobs slowly took over her body making the urge to throw up become more dominant, bolting from the bed Zoe flew through the ensuite door and collapsed in front of the toilet emptying whatever contents she had left in her stomach though that hadn't been much.

When Zoe eventually found the strength to get up from the floor she had her usual morning shower and shut out everything else going on around her; the stampede of small feet running around the apartment, the knocking on her door asking if she was okay, her phone ringing and the alarm that she had yet to turn off.

After her shower Zoe threw on whatever clothes she had found, she couldn't really care less if they were dirty they would have to do. Lucky for her she had a habit of throwing the clean laundry on the floor, especially after a long day at work she would throw the neat piles on the floor forgetting to move them time and time again.

Opening her bedroom door she felt a crash into her side, Jamie. He had been running around the apartment in circles and had been running past his moms room when she stepped out making their two bodies collide.

"What the hell are you doing kid? I've told you so many times James" Zoe snapped "Get outta my sight. Now!"

At the sound of shouting Will ran towards Zoe's room where he saw Jamie stood there in shock and Zoe just slumped against the wall her palms shading her closed eyes.

"Hey bud, why don't you go play with the trucks Uncle Matt got you. Yeah?"

"Will you come and play to?" Jamie asked his eyes brightening at an instant.

"Sure. Momma's got a bit of a headache so I'm gonna help her and then I'll come play. That sound good?"

"Are you gonna make momma better Uncle Will?" Jamie asked. He hadn't questioned his mom's tone or why she shouted at him, he just seemed to accept it.

"I'm going to try bud. I'm going to try" But the truth was no matter how much Will tried Zoe will always want Kyle stood by her side.

"Will. Don't. Please just leave me alone"

"No." Will shook his head. Setting himself beside his friend he pushed her towards the kitchen area despite her poor attempts of escaping his grip.

Once she was sat at the table he began rooting through the kitchen looking for something to cook.

"Will I'm not hungry" Zoe tried to protest.

"Nope. Nada. None of that today. You're eating. What do you want? We have pancakes, omelettes or cereal."

When Zoe didn't respond Will lifted his head from the cupboard sending a hard glaze in her direction.

Lifting her arms up in a form of surrender she quickly replied "Pancakes. At least you won't burn the kitchen down."

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