Chapter 15: It's Over

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A/N Just a quick update before I start living in my books for three weeks. I'll be updating as much as I can. Remember to let me know what you think and what you'd like to see happen in the story.


Will had left once he managed to comfort his girlfriend, making sure she promised to take care of herself until the whole Thierry situation was over. After kissing him goodbye she returned back to the unit, ignoring the questioning look Platt was giving her from behind the front desk.

Zoe had been sat at her desk in silence for almost an hour now, she hadn't spoken to anyone since she had arrived back. She hadn't even challenged Steve McGarrett's or Danny's constant remarks, something she had found herself in the middle of on many occasions.

The team had started to become concerned by this time, Attwater's attempt to coax her with coffee had been practically unnoticed by the coffee queen herself. Jay had been watching carefully, his brother's girlfriend was struggling with this case and he was going to do something about it. Kicking back his chair, Jay began to move towards Voight's office but not before the 6ft something muscle stood in front of him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Steve suggested quickly, his hands crossing against his body.

Jay stepped back slightly. "What's it to you?" He narrowed his eyes. "She's not your girlfriend"

"She's not yours either." He pointed out. Though Zoe's relationship with him had ended after Thierry's attack they had vowed to stay friends, and promised to look out for each other. That's what Steve was doing now, looking out for his friend and former colleague.

"This case is messing with her head!" Jay hissed. He glanced back to his brother'a girlfriend, he hadn't been sure that it was the case that was to blame for Zoe's distance or if it had been the fact that she had to be separated from her son.

Danny Williams had stepped forward in attempt to calm the noticeably angry Commander down. "Steve, let's just step back." He whispered, hopefully avoiding Zoe's attention, though her daze still clear.

Steve's arms remained crossed and angry as he stared down at the Detective.

A voice interrupted the silent argument. "I got an address"

Zoe's head snapped up at Mouse's words at an instant. "What? Where?" Her voice was raspy from the lack of talking and her earlier crying.

Mouse's eyes struggled as he deliberated what to do. He guessed, if not knew that if he told her the address she would be out of here as quick as she could move.

"What you got Mouse?" Hank's gruff voice answered the question for him.

"An address. 127 Fuller Rd, on Benny and Chase" Mouse informed.

"Let's gear up" Voight called through the bullpen.

The people that filled the dark oak room quickly jumped from their seats, grabbing their jackets and holstering their guns.

Zoe had also jumped from her seat, her quacking hands reaching for her gun. But a hand stopped her. Her eyes shot up quickly, where they connected with Danny's.

"Don't do if babe" He tried to coax. "Go home, let us handle it."

"No" Zoe shook her head just as quick. "I'm not going anywhere. He's dangerous Danny, he needs to be found."

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