Chapter 7: 100

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Zoe was in the kitchen rooting through the cupboards making a shopping list ready for Will to go out once he returned from shift. It was her only free day of the week and she had insisted she organised the apartment her and Will shared to an extent though she would undoubtedly be leaving the glass cleaning to Will, it had been the only job she refused to do since she and Jamie moved in.

Eggs, Milk, Bread, Fruit. She jotted down as she moved around the kitchen suddenly feeling a slight stab of pain from the slow healing wound on her lower abdomen. Painfully reaching for her painkillers that she kept in a basket in one of the higher cupboards she settled on one of the chairs beside the kitchen wincing slightly as she sat down. Taking two of her pain killers she let out a sigh of relief, though the pain had yet to subside she was more comfortable  in a seated position. It had been two weeks after the undercover op and although on the road to recovery she still felt slightly sore at points.

"Momma?" Jamie called as he ran from his room slamming the door on his way.

"James Kelly Cannavan how many times do I have to tell to not slam the door!"

"Sorry" Jamie bowed his head but proceeded to move closer to his mother that was sat at the breakfast bar. "Momma?"

"Yes kiddo?" Zoe asked lifting the little boy to sit on her knee as carefully as she could then continued writing the shopping list. OJ, Coffee, Muesli.

"Can we go see Uncle Kelly today?"

Zoe's response had been delayed by the sound of the front door opening to reveal Will who had just finished his second 16 hour shift of the week, it was only Wednesday. he had been pulling extra shifts to help his malpractice premiums even though Zoe had been helping him slightly much to his annoyance.

"Well I'll have to check but sure" Zoe shrugged, she hadn't heard from Kelly for a few days but then again she hadn't seen Gabby or Matt either.  "I've just gotta finish this list for Uncle Will when he gets back to work"

"Thanks momma" Jamie smiled jumping from his mother's knee, he was making his way towards his room when he turned back abruptly scrunching his face up "And mom? Life's full of enough disappointments without having rabbit food for breakfast"

Zoe was taken aback and looked to Will for help but he was too preoccupied laughing. In that moment Zoe was reminded of the similarities between her son and her late husband.

"I'll sort that out then " Zoe chuckled before picking up her phone to call her older brother.

"You okay?" Will could see that something had just found it's way to the front of Zoe's mind and layed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, its just when me and Kyle first got together he used to say the same thing" Zoe shrugged slightly placing her hand above Will's. Shaking the thoughts away she continued her attempt to ring Kelly.


Zoe got in her truck and drove towards the Firehouse, Jamie had not stopped asking about the firehouse until she finally gave in and called Kelly. When she called and after a long and lengthy discussion she and Jamie had found themselves invited to lunch that would kindly be made by Sylvie Brett. Sylvie Brett had been seeing her partner Antonio and no one had told Zoe this but Sylvie was petrified of the younger Severide, she was constantly teased over her presence though Zoe didn't know she had an inkling that the paramedic often tried fighting for her approval. Parking her truck behind her brothers car she got Jamie out and headed for the firehouse.

"Hey Lieutenant" Cruz calls Kelly interrupting their card game making the said lieutenant look up to find his nephew headed straight for him.

"Hey kiddo" Kelly smiled as Jamie wrapped his little arms around the kneeling down lieutenant "Your mom said you missed me"

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