Chapter 14: Hurting

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Zoe woke up to an empty bed, she had been used to that for 5 years now but ever since her and Will began their relationship she felt like a single shoe. Zoe had been staying at Antonio's for a few days now and she was really missing her baby boy and Will. She had called them everyday for a week and she had made sure she face-timed them just so she could see their smiles. 

She layed in bed for a while and had debated getting up. She had heard Antonio pottering around in the kitchen still attempting to keep the noise to a minimum, it didn't bother her, the noise, she was used to it with Jamie being a 5-year-old and Will getting up for his shifts.

Zoe groaned as she heard her cell ring, she reached her hand out and felt around for the ringing object. She turned her head to look at who was calling looking at the Caller ID which read Will. A sudden smile on her face.

"Severide" She answered with a bright smile. She knew exactly who was on the other end but her greeting was like a second nature to her now. Kicking the covers off her body Zoe made her way to her weekend bag that had been dumped in the corner. 

She pulled out a suitable outfit for the day's possible events as a small voice greeted happily. 

"Momma!" Jamie cried joyously, he was really missing his mom. Jamie had never spent anytime away from his mom so this was really hard for him. 

Jay had encouraged Jamie to call his mom, he had gotten himself really upset the previous night when he awoke from a night terror. Will had been on shift so it had been Jay and Erin to comfort the Cannavan boy.

She hadn't expected Jamie to be on the other end of the line when she answered and she was pretty sure she couldn't smile any harder at this point. "James Kelly! Baby boy. I missed you soo much." She cooed over the line.

"Momma. When are you coming home? Da-" Jamie suddenly stopped himself. "Uncle Will said you're working." 

'Dad?' Jay mouthed to Erin.

Erin nodded confused. She had heard the same thing as Jay clearly. As far as she was aware Zoe had always made a point that Kyle was his father and that she would never encourage Jamie to forget that.

Jay shrugged. He looked to Will to see if he had heard it, his face was white. He had

 Zoe felt her heart stop. Had she really heard what she thought she had? Surely not. Jamie knew who his dad was and no matter how much love Zoe had towards Will, Kyle Cannavan was Jamie's father. "Yeah I'm working sweetie. Uncle Steve and Uncle Danno want to see you before they go home. Said they missed you JJ."

"Uncle Will wants to speak to you." Jamie informed and with no hesitation thrashed the phone to his Uncle who stood behind him.

"Hey babe." He greeted happily. Any sign that he had heard what Jamie had shared gone from the forefront or his mind. He watched Jamie skip back to the breakfast table where Erin was sat. The pair were staying with the two detectives until Thierry was in custody, it was not only safer for Will and Jamie but also safer for Zoe.

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