Chapter 64 - Fool For You

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Happy holidays & MERRY CHRISTMAS to those celebrating! This is the last time I'm saying Merry Christmas to all of you in this book and for some reason I find it emotional af but maybe that's because I'm extra or simply it's the fact that I've spent two years writing this bad boy and it's finally coming to an end soon. Still about 10 chapters to go though.

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The late winter's breeze at my grandma's beach house was cold and blew my hair in front of my face as I stared ahead at the deserted pier and the big waves that pounded on the shore and washed over sand and rocks.

My grandma's beach house was located just outside of Oakheart and it was my favorite place on earth. I used to come here all the time when I was younger, during winter and summer break and when I wanted to get away from home –which was always. It was so peaceful and quiet here. I wish I could just live here forever.

I sighed, something that I seemed to be doing awfully lot of lately. I just wanted to have a calm, peaceful and most importantly drama free, year. But so far, thanks to Ryder, It didn't seem like it.

I slightly jumped when I heard my grandma stepping outside on the balcony.

She gave me a half smile "Penny for your thoughts?"

I returned the smile and shook my head "Just admiring the view."

She closed the balcony doors behind her and stepped out completely, the wind immediately blowing her dyed blonde hair that now had begun turning an inevitable grey.

Apart from her hair though she hadn't aged at all. She was still young to be a grandmother. "Cool" grandma I used to call her since she still wore mom jeans and sneakers and did yogalates. She was my father's mom and thankfully nothing like him.

"Jesus Chloe its freezing cold out here." She said, coming under the blanket I had wrapped myself with.

I laughed "I know but the view is amazing."

"Well If you like it so much I'll make sure to write the house on you when I go."

My smile fluttered immediately and I looked at her with a surprised look "Don't say that. You're too young to die." And even if she wasn't no one wanted to hear their grandma, no matter how old were they, saying that sooner or later they were going to die. We all knew it somewhere deep inside of us but never wanted to admit that it was going to happen. How could old people joke about it surprised me. Weren't they scared?

She studied me for a second, realizing her mistake and gave me an apologetic smile "Sorry, too soon?"

I simply nodded.

After the recent events I didn't want to even think that another member of my family or someone close to me could get hurt. I didn't want anyone to talk about sad things either. I have had enough.

She wrapped me protectively in her arms and sighed "You are really brave you know that? What you did for your brother, the fact that you are here with him on his recovery is really brave."

"I guess..."

She let me go just to grab my arms tightly in her hands. She looked at me dead serious "Be sure of it. If it wasn't for you Seth wouldn't be here now. You were at the right place the right time."

Or I was the only who actually caused all this by fighting with him before he overdosed and then he returned to finish what we started.

"Sure." I said nonetheless, not wanting to disagree with her. She was the only family member who understood that's why I loved and cherished her so much.

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