Chapter 57 - Realization

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Fifteen chapters more or less to go people –don't lose hope! The ending may be considered a good ending with a bad way to end it or a bad ending with a good way to end it; that depends on the reader.

  The updates are going to be slow from now on because of college and work placement taking all of my time. In the meantime you can always go back to re read the story again and find hints I may have given about the story ;) or you can read my new story which is a comedy/thriller/mystery fiction with slow updates as well. Really sorry for that.

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   A couple of days later the first snow of the winter started to fall. It was officially Christmas time.

I loved Christmas more than anything else. Oakheart was actually... bearable in Christmas time; all the citizens decorated their houses with Christmas lights and all kinds of fancy decorations, the city constantly smelled like cookies, croissant and coffee and of course there was the Christmas bazaar as well.

It took place at Oakheart's high school every year and it was by far the most impressive bazaar to ever happen. The school's hallways, walls and floors were decorated with red Christmas decorations, booths of every kind and outside of school a giant carousel and a candy dreamland booth; every children's dream.

And my mother of course was the genius behind it.

"I am bored of baking cookies all day." Annabelle whispered next to me as we were in my kitchen helping my mom make frosted cookies for the school's Christmas bazaar.

Every year the same old nagging from Annabelle.

"So Am I." I confessed, frosting one. "But I don't have the guts to tell her that."

I looked over at my mom who seemed so passionate and amazed over a bunch of frosted cookies. I wish she could just be like that with her family.

As we continued with the baking in silence, Seth came downstairs with a bag shrugged over his shoulder.

"Oh hey Annabelle, glad to see you are helping my mom and sister with the bazaar." He mocked her but somehow my mom thought he really meant it and gave him a smile.

Annabelle on the other hand secretly flipped him of.

"So, mom, I'm going to Lacrosse practice and then will sleep at Nick's house okay?"

My mom immediately snapped out of her daze and looked at him confused "Who is Nick? And why? You have a house to sleep."

Seth pulled the 'good-boy-straight-A's-student-and-highschool's-lacrosse-team-captain' card "I know but we have an assignment to finish and then he suggested spending the night at his house doing a documentary marathon. He is Nick Johnson. Barbara and Peter's Johnson's son."

Annabelle turned to look at me in disgusted and repulsed by his obvious lies. How could my mom believe him? Doing a documentary marathon? Really? Which teenager boy watched documentaries with his friends?

My mom nodded in understanding "Oh, the Johnson's, yeah I know them. Alright you can go but no staying up till late, call me as soon as get to practice as soon as you finish, when you arrive at his house and before you sleep. And tomorrow is the Christmas bazaar so I want you early here to help me."

He nodded "Yes of course mom, I will come as soon as possible." He went over to kiss her and Annabelle put a manicured finger inside her mouth, pretending to gag.

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