Chapter 21

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"No, they didn't send me here. But if they get ahold of me, they're going to kill me when I get back to Arkadia" Raven tells me. I mentally groan, but nod anyways. "I killed Pike"

"Who is Pike?" 

"The man who worked with Bellamy to kill 300 of your people" Raven stands. She knows that I just can't send her away now. She basically avenged my people. The soldier in the room knows it too. 

"Where is Heda?" I ask him. 

He said, "She requests you take care of this matter on your own, since you are now the General of the Trikru army" Lexa had made me general. I stared at him, proud but now nervous. This means I would go to war councils, and I would be the one standing by Lexa and Clarke when they gave their orders. "What are your orders, young Heda?" He asked me. 

"Put archers, and order them to surrender or retreat. If they do not comply, you know what to do" I say. He nodded and left. 

"You're going to protect me?" Raven asked me. I nodded. 

"Why?" She asked me. 

"You're not going to die, if I have any say in it" I tell her, and she smiled. "Now, Raven, I must go see Lexa in the throne room. If you need me, you know where to find me. But you are welcome to stay here" I motion around me room. She nodded, and sat down. 

"I'll probably wander around a little later"

"Don't get lost" I winked, and left. 


Upon entering the throne room, Lexa was in a debate with Titus. I froze, and started to step back, but the guards already closed the door behind me. Apparently Lexa knew I was coming, and there is probably something I would not enjoy. 

Once seeing me, Lexa commanded Titus to leave, and he obliged. Lexa walked up to me, swiftly. 

"Yes?" I asked.

"We are going to take over Arkadia by sunset in two days time" Lexa tells me. I blink quickly, caught off guard of what she just said. 

"Take over Arkadia?" I asked. Lexa nodded. 

"The majority has agreed to become the 13th Clan, but there are a band of...rebels. We need to discard of these rebels" Lexa explained to me. "Once we gain control by the end of the second day, we will be setting a new village in the old Arkadia" 

I was becoming slightly worried. Why did Lexa think I would not agree to this in the first place? Or maybe she was just being overprotective and maybe overthinking these things. Like usual. 

Lexa paced back to her throne, and sat down. 

"Assemble your troops, General Alex" Lexa said. I stepped forward. 

"Heda, why did you make me General?" I asked her. 

"Because I trust you." Lexa says. "You are dismissed" That was the end of the conversation. I left, and met the next in charge, the Captain, who recommended a specific troop to take with us on our raid. 

I waited for Lexa with the troops, and saw Raven. She had a bag over her shoulder, and a soldier behind her. 

"Raven?" I ask. She nodded. 

"So I hear you guys need a mechanic. Probably will, after you destroy most of that place" Raven says to me. I look at the soldier behind her, and he stares hard at me. 

"Body guard?" I question her. 

"Something like that" She smirked, and brushed past me. Lexa returned, but Clarke was not with her. I raised an eyebrow. 

"We must not let Wanheda fall into the hands of the enemy" Lexa said. "Wanheda will join us a day into the battle. I doubt it will last that long, but we must not get full of ourselves" I nodded, and we started journeying to Arkadia. 

"What will be waiting for us, Heda?" I asked Lexa. She stared straight ahead, and only glanced at me before answering my question. 

"Sixty-some rebels. Heavily armed" Lexa tells me bluntly. She's mentally preparing herself for war. I looked behind us, and saw Aden, and Raven, and Indra. Indra? When I faced forward, I saw Octavia next to me. Lexa suddenly became rigid, and kept glancing over between us. 

We rode in silence, until getting to the entrance of Arkadia. I stared at the small village ahead of us, and Octavia came to the side Lexa wasn't on. I glanced at her, but kept staring forward. 

"Alex?" Octavia whispered. I looked to her, and instantly my heart hurt. "I can't die knowing you hate me" 

"I don't hate you. I love you. But you don't love me like you love him" I nodded to the man I heard was called Lincoln by Raven some time ago. "And so loving you is hurting me. It's killing me. So this is goodbye, Octavia. Even if I don't want it to be" I squeezed her shoulder, and followed Lexa into battle. 

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