Chapter 46

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Raven dragged me through the halls, Clarke in front of us. We all were running. Clarke opened the door in front of her without knocking, and I froze right at the doorway. Raven lost grip on my hand, and walked forward without me. I stood there, staring. Was something even allowed to be that small? I wasn't sure. 

"Come on, Alex" Raven jogged behind me, and pushed me to get my feet moving. I walked forward, and stopped beside Lexa. Lexa was the first here, because once she saw all of us running, she decided to show off her speed and beat us here. 

I noticed Lexa was smiling, while everyone else was grinning. But when I noticed that I had the same smile Lexa had, I hugged her, and she hugged me back. "Wow" I whispered, looking at the small child in front of me. 

Lexa nodded, saying, "Wow indeed" 

We admired the baby and its mother, but part of me wondered where Lincoln was. "Where's Lincoln?" I asked. He should be here. His fiancé girlfriend person just gave birth just a few hours ago, in the night, and he wasn't here. 

"Washroom" Octavia answered. She was tired, and in pain, still. 

"Are they a girl or a boy?" Clarke asked, lightly touching Octavia's shoulder. 

"Both" Came a male's voice, and Lincoln appeared, holding a water wet baby in a white blanket. Everyone gasped. No one had expected twins. No one. Everyone was still shocked that Octavia had even become pregnant, and on purpose. "The girl, Octavia holds. The boy, I hold" Lincoln said, sitting at the end of the bed next to Octavia's feet. 

"Have you chosen names?" Clarke asked, very curious about these small humans. 

"Yes" Lincoln smiled, never taking his eyes off the baby in his arms. "Artemis, is the girl. Rostam, is the boy" 

"Rostam was a hero in Persian legends" Octavia explained. "Artemis, was the goddess of moon and hunting in the Greek myths. The name itself means 'safe'" Octavia kept her eyes closed. 

"Those names are beautiful" Raven told them, and Octavia smiled. 

"Thank you, Raven" Octavia and Lincoln answered together. 

"They will be great warriors" Lincoln said, lightly running his thumb along Rostam's cheek. My eyes were tearing up, and Raven linked our arms. "They will live for the good of the kingdom" Octavia nodded, starting to drift to sleep. 

Lincoln stood, bringing Rostam to a crib that was a gift from a small Trikru family that Lincoln had saved a while ago during an explosion. Setting down Rostam, he went to collect the baby boys sister, Artemis. Once they both were in the crib, Lincoln went and smiled at all of us. I hardly ever saw him smile. 

"Thank you all for your gifts" He says. Everyone had given something to them days before, knowing the baby, well, actually, babies, would come soon. "Octavia and I greatly appreciate everything. We couldn't be more thankful than we are right now" 

"Is either one a Nightblood?" Clarke asked after a moment of silence. Lexa answered her by saying it was too early to tell. The babies were too vulnerable to airborne illnesses getting into their blood to know. 

Everyone engaged in some type of small talk, but I kept watching those twins. Rostam and Artemis. They were beautiful, especially where they slept. I walked over, and smiled at them. Rostam's eyes opened, and he had the same grey-blue eyes as his mother. Artemis' eyes were already open, and she had Lincoln's eyes. Dark and beautiful. 

"You two are very lucky" I whispered. "Your parents are wonderful humans" I talked to them, and they seemed to listen intensively. "You were born to make an impact" After these words, I reach down to touch them. I touch them at the same time, and I lose my vision for a moment. 


When I regain my vision, I'm not near the babies. Instead, I'm standing in front of two grown children. They stared at me, and I stared back. 

I heard my voice, but I didn't feel myself saying anything. "Well done, you two" My voice said. "Lexa would be proud of your progress" I stepped aside, and saw a double of me that the children were staring at. Then I realized where I was. I was in a vision. Now I began to pay attention to everything very closely. 

They bowed to me, and I looked at my face. There was a scar running down my jaw and onto the back of my neck. I frowned. I don't have one of those on me at the moment. I looked back to the children. "Rostam, Artemis" The other me says, and the two children pay attention. Artemis had an inch over Rostam, and they looked about ten years old. "Battle again"

I payed attention to Rostam, and frowned. His blue eyes had more darkness than any brown eyes I had ever seen before. I look back at the other me, and see my own eyes. I heard a voice in my head, saying "She is a mess of gorgeous chaos, and you can see it in her eyes" I payed attention to my eyes. The voice in my head was right. My eyes were wild, and almost rabid. 

I followed myself, and walked toward Octavia. She had grown older, you could see it in her posture. But she still looked beautiful. The voice in my head spoke again. "Do you think you are alive because you can fight? You are alive because of what I did to save you" I frowned, and watched myself walk past Octavia, towards the main building in Polis. Lexa's face flashed in my head, and the voice spoke again. "You know they're going to use the things you love against you" I groaned. "Why are they all afraid of you? Do you not know?" The voice asked me. 

"They're not afraid of me" I said, and I knew it was actually me saying it this time. My voice echoed, and everything around me turned white. I could see the people I loved, and it was as if we all were in a white room.

The voice spoke again when my eyes landed on Clarke. "Does war make monsters, or monsters make war?" I was feeling sick. "They called you a monster, and held you down. You howled at the moon and showed them all. Now they don't dare to say your name" 

The room was starting to spin, and everyone started to become a blur. 

"They say they try to protect you" I drop to my knees. "But they just keep secrets because you can't handle the truth" My heart is pounding. "They believe you are a monster. But I know you're not a full monster. There is good in you. I can see it, but it is dying, Alex" 

I wanted to throw up. 

"Alex, you must save yourself!" The voice screamed. "You are a weapon, a killer" The voice was growling at me. "Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but it does not change its nature" 

"Leave me alone!" I shouted, hitting my head, trying to get the voice out. 

"Your mind betrays you, because it serves me" The voice laughed. 

"Who are you? Death?"

"Sometimes, but not today" The voice laughed devilishly, and I felt threatened. "Did you really think you could win? Honestly darling, why are you fighting against someone that created you?" The voice paused, and I could hear the wind whistling in my ears as the world spun. "You work for me now" The voice was trying to make my mind clouded with doubt. "I don't want to control you, I want to unleash you. You're a monster to everyone. Show them" 

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