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(A.n / Okay can we talk about how adorable Grayson's smile is?) 

These last few days have been really fun. I must admit.

Grayson has been spoiling me nonstop and I wish he wouldn't of.

It started out with me saying what I wanted. I probably shouldn't of done that because whatever I said that I wanted, he bought, no matter the cost.

After the first few things, I told him stop because I simply hated when people blew there money on me, money that they earned.

I still don't remember anything but, what I do know is that I know why I'm with him, if he is right about us dating. No, not because of him spoiling me but, because he's been checking up on me literally every 5-10  minutes.

"How are you feeling, now? Are you okay?"

"Grayson, "I chuckled lightly. "I'm okay, I feel the same way since you asked me 10 minutes ago."

He gave me a worried look.

"I promise." I held up my pinky making him link on with mine. "I promise that I'm okay."

"You'll tell me if somethings wrong, right?"

"Of course" I unlinked our pinkies.

"You know what we should do?"


"Lets get some pizza."

"I'm in. But, could we walk to get pizza, instead of driving?"

"Yeah," He hit the lock button on his car, causing it to beep. "Are you okay?" He noticed that I wasn't looking at him when he asked, he placed his index finger under my chin, lifting it up until our eyes met.

I furrowed my eyes a little. "Why are you with me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean exactly what I asked. You say were dating, what exactly do you see in me?"

We sat down in front of a small pond, where ducks were swimming around in. I smiled at the view of them.

"Sarah, I'm with you because you're different. You're different than most girls. I've been with a handful of girls throughout my life but, you're the only one who's actually appreciate me for who I am. You didn't loose interest in me after I stopped buying you things a couple of months ago. You don't just want sex all the time, like the others that I've been with, have. Knowing that I'm with someone who isn't going to judge me or stop loving me after I stop getting her something is a relief." 

He smiled before going on.

"You make me feel complete and I thank you for that."

"Aw, Gray." My mind went blank. "I really- I don't know what to say."

The smile that was on his face, soon faded away. Seeing his smile fade off, made me feel like my insides were shutting down. I decided to make a risky move but, you only live once. 

I looked into his big, beautiful eyes, smiling a bit before there wasn't any space between our lips anymore.

We soon had to pull away due to the lack of oxygen.

He smiled, placing his forehead against mine, looking in one anthers eyes.

"Common, we should get going. I really want some food." He said like an impatient 5 year old.

"Okay, lets go." I said in-between small laughs.

After we went out from some pizza, we walked back to his car. When we got back to his place, we went for a night swim in his pool.

The water was really cold but, being in his arms made everything warm

"How are you feeling? I haven't asked in about an hour."

"I'm fine."

When I said that he went under water but, then he jumped back up grabbing onto me pulling myself until the water with him.

"Grayson!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, due to the water being so cold.

He broke out laughing, before I kissed him.

"Hey, Gray?" I say in between kisses.

I eventually get an answer back. "Yeah?"

"I love you."


Hey dudes. I'm back.

Vote on this chapter if you love the twins or vote on this even if you hate the twins. Either way, you should totally smash that vote button.


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