t h i r t y f o u r

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"So, babe."


"What were you and Ethan taking about, you know, before I walked back in? After I hung up on Aaron You two looked liked you were having another heated conversation."

"It's nothing."

Just by the way he didn't look at me when he said it, made me not want to believe him.

"I thought we weren't gonna lie in this relationship?"

"We're not?"

"Okay, so if I were to go out and ask Ethan what it was about, he would say the same thing?" I said as I walked towards the door. "Lets go find out."

"No, babe wait."

Hearing that little sigh come from his mouth, made me realize that something was bother him.

"So, I guess I'll just say it to get it over with."

"Whats going on?"

"Do you still have feelings for him? Aaron."

Is he being for real right now?

"You've gotta be kidding me right now."

"Well, do you? Whenever he calls you immediately pick up the phone, it bothers me how close you two still are, you tell him everything, but when it comes to me? Thats a different story."

Now, I feel like shit. He was right and I didn't even realize that I was doing that.

"Grayson, I-"

"No, do you still have feelings for him? Yes or no?"

"No, of course no. I'm kinda disappointed that you would think that, but then again you have all rights to. I love you Grayson, not him."

"Then why are you more closer with him than you are with me?"

"Because he's like an older brother to me, I've never had a siblings. I feel comfortable telling him things."

"Now I feel like the idiot."

"No, don't be. Its okay."

"No, I should of just listened to Ethan."

"Ethan? What did he say?"

"Basically the same thing that you just said to me."

We heard a creek in the wood, which made me turn around only to see Ethan with his arm folded against his chest and he leaned up against the wall.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough."

"I hate being on tour with two guys."

They both laughed which made me smile.

"But serious though, I want to make things up to you, babe."

"Yeah, well make sure I'm not in the area when that happens." Ethan said which confused me until I realized what he was talking about.

"Oh shut up, Grant. I didn't mean like that.""

"Well, my mind went to the same place as his did." They broke out laughing.

"Yep, I for sure hate being on tour with you guys."

"You love it and you know it."

"Well, E... I do like being on tour with one guy and that guy isn't you."

"Oh, thanks Sar. That makes me feel special."

"You should, you're very special to me." I laughed. "So, where are we headed after this? Tour wise?"

"I think we're headed back to California for a week."


"Yeah, why?"

"So, I know that we just got off of this topic, but he's back in California with Cameron for a little while and I wanted-"

"You don't have to ask or say anything to us, Sar."

Ethan nodded his head agreeing with Grayson.

"Alright, I'm just checking because apparently I have a very jealous boyfriend."

"And that you do."

"Hey, I'm not jealous."

"Sure you aren't bro." Ethan said as I laughed.


Yo! Whats up!! I'm back with another update! I'm gonna try my hardest to get some of these drafts saved up before I actually start work, so I can just update them before I leave for school, on Tuesdays.

I'd hate for this to just die and just go to waste. I'm gonna try my hardest to keep going with it.

I hope you guys like the update, btw.



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