t w e l v e

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Aaron sent me a few messages moments ago asking if I was up for filming today. I've never been this excited to do something in my entire life.

i'm excited but, I'm also nervous.


"Grayson bailey! Wake up!"

Grayson isn't exactly a morning person, well sometimes he wakes up with no problems but, this morning just isn't one of those days.

Maybe if I throw water on him, he'll wake up.

"Don't make me throw water on you again."

"Its way too early for this," He sat up, looking at me, he's pretty adorable when he's half asleep. "but, good morning."

"I'm nervous and you're not helping the situation." I said walking in the closet. "I don't know what to wear, I want to look good, you know?"

"Babe, you always look great."

I smiled at his words as I began looking for something to wear.

I threw on my favorite, plain black spaghetti strap with my jean jacket over it, along with my ripped jeans and black converse. I then threw my hair up in a messy bun.

After I finished, I walked out as his face lit up.

He got up, walking closer to myself, he pulled me close to him.

"Carpenter better keeps his hands to himself, along with his eyes."

"Jealous much?" I giggled softly.

"I'm not jealous, I'm just saying. He better keep his hands to himself."

"You know something?"


"I find you 10x more attractive when you're jealous of something or someone else." I said as I traced his lips with my thumb. " I love you're over protective side but, you need to learn how to give a little trust, babe. Loosen up."

"I do trust you."

I smiled but, shook my head. "Yeah but, I feel like you're not even happy for me."

"Being happy for you has nothing to do with this," He said in between chuckles. "I don't like the idea of having to share you with someone else. I couldn't be any happier for you, I mean that."

"Wait, woah, who said anything about sharing me?" I laughed. "No one is sharing me. I'm yours and yours only, you dummy. I love you, not him." I placed my hands on his face, making sure that he wouldn't look anywheres else. "I want you, not him. Understand?"

He nodded.

"Good because I don't want to have this conversation again."

After that , I pulled on his face closing the space between us until our lips were connected. 

I love and adore his over protectiveness but, sometimes I wish he would just give me the truth that I needed from him. I love him and I wish he would see that.


Before I knew it, I was at Aaron's place, with my heart racing. I knew that I was ready for this but, meanwhile I was also really nervous.

What if I forget one of the lines?

What if I completely mess up?

What if something happens?

"Hey, are you ready," He began to say but, once he saw me standing in the door way, he stopped. 

"Yeah, I think so but, the real question is, are you?" I giggled walking in closer to him.

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