f o u r t y f o u r

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"Why would you ask me that? You know that he does."

"I don't know because he's never made me tell him something that I wasn't comfortable telling him."

He shook his head. "He just wants to keep you safe from something that already done enough damage on you, he just doesn't know how too."

"What do you mean, 'he doesn't know how to'? He literally won't let me leave without someone else with me. Eth, I'm safe. If I wasn't I would let you know. He would never hurt me, I mean he never laid a hand on me when we were dating." 

"Why don't you tell him that?"

"I have, but he wouldn't listen and I didn't want to fight with him anymore than we already have."

I went to reach for my phone in my back pocket, but it wasn't there. I started to search myself for it, but couldn't find it.


"What's wrong?"

"I think I left my phone on the counter."

"We're not that far, we can go back and get it if you want."


We started walking back.

"Wes. Wes Finn." I spoke up, "That's his name." 

"That's my name, babygirl. Don't wear it out." 

Ethan and I turned around, and thats when I saw him. 

"Sarah O' Connor." He began walking closed to us. "It's nice to see you again. How long has it been?"

"What do you want, Wes?"

"Just to talk."

"Well-" Ethan cut me off by grabbing my arm pulling me, behind him. 

"I thought I fucked up your face the other night?"

I was dying of laughter on the inside because he doesn't know that Grayson has a twin bother and this wasn't Grayson.

"Why would I want to talk to you?" I said as Ethan held me behind him. "You've changed so much, Wes. This isn't you."

"Let's go, we don't have time for this, nor him." Ethan said grabbing my hand, pulling him away form him, but Wes pulled me back towards him. "Let her go."

He didn't move, in fact he tightened his grip on my wrist.

"I said to let her go."

When I looked up at Ethan, I noticed that his jaw was completely tightened and the color of his eyes were changed, they were darker than usual.

"Whats wrong, lover boy? Don't trust me with your girl?"

"Wes, you're hurting me, let me go." I cried out before Ethan started swinging punches at him, causing Wes to fall back letting go of my arm. Punches were being thrown left and right, between both of them. "Stop, please!"

I tried grabbing ahold of Ethan's arm, only to get hit in the face by Wes's elbow.

"Ouch, you motherfucker." I held my eye, against the ground.

Ethan stopped swinging, once he saw that I gotten hit.

"Shit," He quickly ran over towards me, helping me up. "let me see it."

"No, stop it, I'm fine."

"No, common Sarah. For fucks sake let me see it." He said placing his hands on my wrists which were now red, due to Wesley's grip on them.

He let go when I flinched at his tough. I slowly then moved my hand away,when he looked at me he shook his head.

"Grayson's gonna kill me."

"E, stop it. I'll tell him the its my fault, not yours."

"Grayson, eh? Two different guys at once? Looks like we've both changed, O'Connor."

"Grayson, is my boyfriend, you fucking idiot." I shoved him, hard enough to make him loose his balance. "It's pretty pathetic that your this fucked up, that you can't tell that this is Grayson's brother, twin brother." I shook my head. "I don't have the time for this, nor you."

He tried stopping me, but I just kept walking away with Ethan.

When we got back to the house, my anxiety starting building due to that I kept getting the feeling that something would happen. 

We both walked in at the same time, taking a deep breath before walking in the kitchen which was were Grayson was.

"Where did you go? I tried calling you, but you weren't answering."

"Well, maybe if you stopped to think that, oh maybe she forgot her phone here." I said walking to the freezing getting an icepack for my eye. I sat up on the counter resting my head against one of the cupboards.

When he looked at me, he noticed

He looked at me then he looked at Ethan, who had his head down.

"What happened to your eye?"

"It was my fault, I guess I shouldn't get in the middle of a fist fight." I chuckled.

"Fist fight? What are you talking about?"

"Long story short, we ran into Wes, Ethan decided to put the same move you did," I pulled the icepack away from my eye, putting it on the counter, as I lifted my head, making eye contact with him.

The color in his face was gone.

"I didn't know he was behind me, he said that he wanted to talk, but I didn't. E tried to pull me away, but Wes pulled me back by the wrist."

I rolled up my sleeve gently, giving access to my wrist, which still red, with a bruise forming on it.

"His grip getting tighter and tighter. If it weren't for Eth swinging at him, who knows how worse it would look. I tried to stop it, but I ended up getting hit."

"This is why I don't want you going out alone."

"I didn't go out, alone. I went out with someone, I went out with Ethan and clearly that didn't do shit, Grayson. He is capable of doing this to anyone, it doesn't matter who I'm with."

"This is my fault." Ethan mumbled.

"No, E. This isn't, you didn't do anything, you were trying to project me. You know you guys can't protect me from everything right? There is only so much that you guys can do." I walked over, wrapping my arms around Ethan, resting my head on his chest.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me, resting his head onto of my head.

"None of this was your fault, okay? Please don't blame yourself for something that you didn't know was going to happen." I looked up at him, making eye contact.

He nodded with a small smile. When I looked at Grayson he was looking down at the floor.

"You too, mister."

He wouldn't even look at me, he just nodded his head, giving me a smile which I knew was fake.


Yo! What's up my beautiful motherfuckers? I'm back with another update!

Yeah, I love Trevor Moran. I'm not sorry, don't judge me lmao.

I'm gonna be back next Tuesday with another update ;)


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