Chapter 5 - Welcome to the inner workings of my mind

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Chapter inspired by - ‘ Hurricane’ - MS MR

                                   ‘Bones’ - MS MR

                                   ‘Friday is Forever’ - We the Kings

Welcome to the inner workings of my mind

Porter pulled up to the beach and there was a profusion of expensive cars lining the car park. Most were shrouded in shadows, some billowed smoke out the windows and others were illuminated by people laughing and talking with each other animatedly. Other cars, well, the windows were fogged and it rocked gently from side to side so it wasn’t hard to deduct what sordid behaviour was going on inside. Porter had to drive for an extra thirty minutes to lose the paparazzi who had caught Liam’s scent as they pulled out of the Harper’s Malibu mansion. Liam stared out the window, his head was spinning from alcohol and he was tired as he stared out as the passing by cars. Now, the car was stationary but to Liam it still felt that the world was passing swiftly by. Porter drew down the windows and hummed along to the booming bass of ‘Ah Yeah’ by Will Sparks, blasting from the convertible next to them, like the city streets so too were the beaches an active nightlife spot. A place for people to escape, sometimes in each others arms amongst the sand and crashing waves against the shore. Others it was a place to lay on the sand and stare at the stars, talk in hushed whispers to friends and lovers about dreams and secrets they’d never dare divulge beneath the sunlight. Drugs were taken and dealt as swiftly as the tide pulled the shore away but the boys didn’t need a dealer, they had their own stash in the glovebox. Porter leant across Liam who was silent and opened the compartment, he threw his buzzing phone in and replaced it with a bag of weed, filters and tobacco. 

“She called me again,” Liam sighed as he turned his head to look at Porter. He was exasperated, the last thing he needed right now was Jennifer. Seven months of complete silence and now she was invading his life. Just when he thought he’d gotten rid of her. It was a definite shock to both his system and his already rocky relationship with Addison. 

Porter was staring at the pouch of tobacco and marijuana in his lap as he began to roll two joints, his only way of relaxing when not with Rachel. A girl usually so uptight that she didn’t know what fun was until she got a few drinks in her. Although in her defence, she had loosened up considerably since the boys met her. Rachel, now Porters fiancé, was a raging control freak always talking of colour schemes and letterheads, invitation fonts and flower arrangements. That’s why Porter was so glad to have grown close to the boys when they moved to Los Angeles for the summer, he needed the sanity. It seemed, so too did the boys. It was a two way relationship, sometimes of course like all management they would butt heads but usually, they got along just fine. At the mention of Liam’s phone ringing Porter only paused for a moment before he raised an eyebrow. A white filter hung from his pursed lips and wiggled as he spoke, “She as in she, Jennifer, she?” He mumbled. 

Liam nodded and put a hand to his face, he stretched his legs putting his feet on the scuffed dashboard and Porter groaned. “Jesus…” he paused looking at Liam’s white kicks,  “why?”

“No idea,” Liam replied truthfully. 

“After all this time,” Porter mused as he focused on rolling the joint carefully. 

Liam smirked watching him, after all this time Rachel’s pedantic ways were slowly rubbing off on him, even rolling the perfect joint. People really do change in relationships, maybe Zayn was right. Was Liam changing because of Addison? And was it a good change or a bad change? Liam pulled himself away from his thoughts and inner turmoil, he turned to Porter and sighed, “I honestly don’t have a clue.”

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