Chapter 16 - As you're falling down

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As you're falling down

Niall was whistling as he nursed his bruised face and hangover, he was able to sneak out of the loft without being caught by any of the paparazzi. Their loft was one of the few sacred places that the public was yet to find, for that he was glad. It was near nine in the morning but he had to wait until Zayn went back to bed, Zayn now asleep wearing off his battered body and painful hangover, so naturally, Niall was free to leave. As he walked down the street and into BabyCo his phone vibrated, his stomach twisted as he hoped it was Harry. Despite his harsh words, he really did feel guilty for what he'd said. It was surprising for him to lose his temper, with Harry of all people but after last night, it was bound to happen. With a sigh he pulled out his phone but it was Porter.

Flight lands tonight, hope Zayn has prepped you both. You better find Harry, hope you're okay. We'll talk when I see you - Porter

Niall frowned, 'Better find Harry' the words hung in his vision and he groaned.

Before he could type a reply Porter sent him another text.

Warning in advance, Rachel is on the warpath.

Niall shuddered, that could only mean one thing. Raging, psycho manager with a wedding to plan and a lost band member. Having their bloody faces and flying fists all over the media probably wasn't helping matters. It wasn't his fault, it was Harry's. His mind whirled thinking of Harry, the lost boy. How the hell were they going to find him? Harry was fantastic at falling completely off the radar when he needed to. If Harry didn't want to be found, he wouldn't. Niall knew that better then anybody after the days he'd spent searching for Harry, when things went wrong Harry had a tendency of running. To his surprise and irritation the one person who usually found him was Logan, although he never divulged where Harry was.

Niall walked into BabyCo and smiled at the attendant, Ruby. Ruby was tall with long brown hair that was swept to the side and pinned elegantly against her head. He took in her appearance with a grin, she had pouted lips and a beauty mark above them. Niall loved talking to her, she had a beautiful laugh that was contagious and brown eyes that seemed endless, flawless tanned skin and curves to match her South American heritage. She was the only girl he actually liked that worked in the store, the rest of them were too busy trying to get photo's to actually help him when he shopped. She knew him well, he had been to the shop so many times with Jennifer, he was a regular. He always had to convince them he wasn't the father, they didn't believe him. The only one who believed them was Ruby.

"Hey!" He said with a smile.

"Niall," she curled the end of her hair in her fingers as she smiled.

"Pram here yet?" He asked as he stretched.

"Your face?" she frowned.

"Don't tell me you didn't see the papers?"

She smirked, "I don't take that stuff seriously."

Niall rolled his eyes, "That's a first."

"We're you passed out on the pavement?" She asked as she walked around the glass counter and began fiddling with the computer.

Niall laughed, "What do you think?"

"Fell over?"

"Running away from paps actually," he smirked.

Ruby burst out laughing and shrugged, "See, the papers lie."

"Too much, I fear."

"Pram's here," she smiled. "Jennifer is going to love it, the Stryder is our best pram, capsule for the car and converts when the baby gets bigger."

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