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I had always like you,watching you from afar,I know how crazy you are, how random you can be.

But of course, in a good way.That what make who you are,your identity,what make you unique and insanely adorable.

Making weird noise,funny faces,odd wiggling dances.

How could someone look so cute while doing all this?Tell me,how? How did you do it?

Or is it just because I like you?I don't know anymore.

There were times,where I assumed,suspected even that you and your small bestfriend,that Park Jimin guy from my dance class were lovers.

You guys seemed so close,too close actually.It hurt sometimes.

But luckily,every time I had the doubt,fate will always prove me that I'm wrong.

And I had never feel so good to be proved wrong.

You guys look like me and my lifetime best buddy,Jungkook,a young,charismatic and full of talents lad.

But unlike you guys (perhaps), he's more like my little bro that I've never had.

And I wander,whenever you see us together, did the same thought come across your beautiful mind? But who am I kidding? You never notice me, ever.

As time past,I learnt that both of you are just too closed with each other,equally clingy and loud,which was adorable,honestly.

Plus,Jimin could never be your little bro,if anything you guys look more like a twin.So loud and cute together.

But love,will you hug me the way you hug him?Will you laugh with me the way you guys did?Will you show me that ethereal smile that you seems to only show him? Will you cry your heart out on my shoulder like how you did on his?

Probably not.

These feeling,it keep on growing so fast, living drowning and breathless, from how fast its invading my being.You drive me insane from just existing and breathing.

"Hyung,do you like him?" Jungkook had asked.

"No," and my mouth simply lied,when the fact was, my heart said 'yes'.

Correction,I didn't lie to him,just bending the truth a bit.That's all.

Because I don't just like you,I freaking love you,sunshine.

Little did I know,I should've have spoke the truth.

As a person,I'm warm not cold,

Bright not fierce,

Forgiving not petty,

Affectionate not sadistic,

Still,I'm heart-less.

Because you had long own that little piece of what mine and it  doesn't seems like I'll be gettin my heart back.

And my heartless self can't ignore the prickly sensation that hit me with a wave of regret when after years of graduating, losing sight and news of you,on a faithful night,I received a call.

From Jungkook.

He said he's gettin marry and I'm happy for him,I really do.Yet,I can't help it but to feel jealous, he find someone before me.

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