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*Happy Vday


The fans are cheering loudly,a bit crazily even,hurting their throats in the process.Screams and wailing fill the massive space alongside the catchy music and heavenly voices of the seven boys.All of them supporting a huge smile,happy to be in the positive attention.

All but one.

Taehyung try,he really did.To look all mushy and fluffy to be fitting the song theme but he just isn't feeling it today,nor lately.In fact,Taehyung look too piss off for it to be a concept.Plus go go is happy-go-lucky theme song,why so serious Tae??

Here and there he throw a small forced smile,even act silly by crossing his eyes for the camera. Still the usual natural playfulness vanish from his hallow eyes.

Despite the busy steps and careful voices,Hoseok know. He can sense the change in his younger boyfriend's attitude. Making a mental note to cheer the vocalist up later.

True to his words,right after the performance end,Hoseok quickly flee to the younger side.Skipping lightly to find him already resting in the waiting room,playing on his smartphone.

"Taehyung-ah," no response.

"Taehyungie~~" silence.

Hoseok pout,poking the taller shoulder lightly.His heart clench when the younger flinch away from his touch with a scowl.Still, he fight the frown that threatening to brake loose.

He have notice it,how for these past few days,the taller keep on giving him cold shoulder and avoiding him.Always seems to be short tempered and annoyed with him.

Inviting himself to sit next to the younger,with a what-supposed-to-be-unnecessary reasonable space between them, Hoseok try again with a tight yet hopeful smile, "Taebear, you're okay? You seems off,"

All he got is a dismissive wave and heavy sigh.Taehyung don't even spare him a glance.

"Tae? Are you mad at me?"

"Why?" His deep voice is hostile as he reply,Hoseok gulp thickly.

"You don't talk much with me nowadays.Always seems distracted and annoyed," he's fiddling with the hem of his sweater.

Taking a shaky breathe,he look up to find the younger lad is already staring back coldly, "You even reject cuddling with me,"

Taehyung sigh,turning away again with a strain, "Just give me some space," -which is a harsh pang to his aching heart.

Tears gather in the dancer eyes at the cold demeanour and unfamiliar hostility.

"Oh,o-okay," he force a smile,hands shaky as he suddenly doesn't know where to put them. First intention being on his boyfriend's cheeks,but he can't do it now,right?

Slowly,he stand up with a lost look, "I...I gotta go...t-toilet,"

Taehyung ignore him again.

"You make him cry,"a sudden voice make Taehyung snap his head up,eyes widening.He was met by Jimin's judging eyes.

"Stop being stupid and immature. Go and talk properly with hyung,"

Sighing loudly and with a reluctant nod, Taehyung shuffle over with heavy steps to track his boyfriend.

Just like what the older said,he found him in the washroom.

Hoseok seems to be startled by the sudden presence,baffled even,but he quickly cover it up, "Oh Tae!" He smile,pretending that he didn't cry, discreetly wiping his tear dry,blinking away the unfallen not to spill.

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