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*I'm back~~~~~~

School had been hard on me,so.....


Forehead drench in sweat,hands clammy,feets jittery and heart pounding.

Even the sound of wind blowing away the dried leaves on tge pavement startled him as he would clutched his clothed chest with dilated pupils and gawk.

Nervous.He's too nervous for his own liking.

Each footsteps of the passersby nearly kill him as the dramatically echoing sound steps on his little heart.

He force out a smile and pathetically squeak out a what supposed to be loud and confidence chants of 'fighting' but it turn out so soft and shaky.

Why?You may ask.

Why is this guy is so nervous about that he almost piss himself in his pant and even having a second thought of backing away from his original plan?

Well,I tell you what.

This guy is about to confess.

And I guess he need some...or maybe lots of help to do so cause this is his very first time confessing his heart to anyone.

So guys please,lend Jung Hoseok some of your strength. He's about to faint now.

What seems like eternity (vixx ...sorry not sorry ;p ) the one he's been waiting for arrive,bathing in sweat as he run his way to the park,panting heavily as he stop in front of now frozen Hoseok.

He now know that there's no running away anymore.He need to confess,he'll confess!

"H-hyung," Taehyung breath out,trying to steady his breathing before he speak again, "you're early,again,"

He visibly pout and Hoseok had to use all of his will not to jump on the younger,squealing like a preteen fangirl while squishing those puff out cheeks.

Breathe Hoseok breathe.

Collecting himself,he give the taller a small nervous smile that look hella awkward but oddly,even Taehyung seems to be awkward,constantly chewing his lower lip while shifting anxiously on one feet to another,sometimes tapping it on the pavement road with a messy beat.

Silence embrace them both after the exchanges of awkward smiles.Both minds seems to be to preoccupied with something so serious that their life depends on what their brains will decide.

As weird as it sound,Taehyung's brain make up its decision faster,thus,he break the deafening silence.

Taehyung scratch the back of his neck awkwardly, "Umm,I... " he breathe, "I have a confession to make,"

The younger speak up with so much confident dripping through his voice but just seconds after the words left his mouth,the look of regret and shame wash over his blushing face as he bite down on his lower lip.Like if he could take the words back,he would.

But what had been said cannot been unsaid.

Hoseok lower his head,smiling to the floor with red cheeks,whispering,"me too,"

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