#Hope on the street

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"What's your name?" Startled,the blond look up with wide eyes.

The stranger just giggle,shy dimples peeking through his bright smile, "Sorry,I'm Hoseok, Jung Hoseok and you?"

The taller clutch his bag tighter,standing up from his sitting position only to look a the- admittedly cute guy; up and down.

"Kim Taehyung," he lick his chapped lips, "This might sound rude but why are you talking to me?"

Taehyung watch in amusement at the changes of color on the other's smooth cheeks,noting how blossoming pink look nice contrasting against the pale skin.

"And not to be rude too,but-" the peachy haired guy bite his lower lip sheepishly,hand going up to scratch his un-itchy nape,"-I've seen you uhh- loitering around the street for few days now.You seems-umm,"

"Homeless," Taehyung finish it for him,his expression look bothered with his eyebrows knitted together,annoyed.

"I'm not being nosy," Hoseok hurriedly explaining himself, "Just concerns.If there anything I can help you with? Why won't you go home?"

The taller eyed him skeptically,Hoseok look down.Sincerity that the other's held in his expression softens Taehyung's glare.

"I got kicked out,had a fight with my parent," all because I come out to them that I like boy,"That's as much as I can tell you,"

Hoseok beam at the little information,glad that the guy-who he assumed to be younger,open up to him, "Then come with me!"

With raised brow,Taehyung fix his posture to be fully facing the shorter guy-whom he also assumed younger than him. His face showing doubt and accusations.

"Don't get me wrong!" Hoseok laugh nervously, "My brothers and I,we live just around the corner,near that little deoboki stand not far from here.You can crash in for a few days.I bet they won't mind,"

To say that Taehyung was bewildered would be an understatement,he was beyond shock,not to mention a bit bother.Don't this cute small lad know about stranger danger? Easily offering a place to a random guy he meet on the street.

His face look to innocent and sincere to be a fraud,but still Taehyung's answer was, "It's okay,I'm fine on my own,"

"Wait!Please,I didn't mean bad. Please come with me," Instinctively the smaller grab the taller arm.

In which Taehyung try to pull away from, repeating himself over,"N-No thanks.I'll be fine on my own,"

"Ugh,please Kim.Do I look like a bad guy? This face look evil to you?" Hoseok look at him with a pout.Taehyung's heart melt a little at the adorable sight.But hey,even his parent can easily throw him out of their life ,it's not possible this stranger can do worst to him.

"I..." he breathe out heavily,those innocent doe eyes slowly but surely luring him in, "I don't have a say in that,"

A bit too harshly,he rip his hand off of him,stepping backwards, "I gotta go,"

"No,you don't," but Hoseok is not one to back out without putting up a fight,he had been there before, "-its not safe for you to wander around the street,"

"Why would you care? Leave me alone- Hey! " Taehyung's eyes widen, "-give me my bag back!"

"Nope!" Hoseok hug the bag tightly in his hold,shaking his head.This make the blond to almost growl out his words, "Its mine! I need it,"

His gaze pierce through the other's soul making Hoseok shudder, "Give. It. Back!"

"You want this?"but the shorter still not giving up,instead he raise the bag and wiggle it a little, "Try and take it from me then,"

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