Day 00 » The Form

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[ marinette ]

It was a normal day for us at the bakery. Papa was baking some sick croissants, Mama was manning the counter, while I struggled to be less clumsy as usual as I helped deliver out the customers' orders.

Suddenly, my best friend, Alya, came running into the bakery, looking as excited as ever, as if there was something she wanted to tell me.

She greeted my parents and asked if we could go to my room - to which they nodded curtly - and dragged me all the way upstairs.

"Girl, you are not going to believe this!", Alya shrieks once we get to my room. She turns on my computer and opens a website -, which was already bookmarked on my browser - and clicks on a form.

"Alya, what's up?", I ask awkwardly from behind her, scratching my elbow, "Why are you so interested in the love of my life-- ah! Uhh, I mean Adrien?"

"Okay, okay.", Alya says, turning around. She took deep breaths to calm herself down. "So, I was in the park, with Nino, on our usual date, and you know how he's best buds with Adrien after that TV show they starred in - well, basically, he was forced. So, anyway, he asks me 'Hey, Alya, isn't Marinette obsessed with my bro, Adrien?', so I reply with 'Uh, yeah? Why?', he then tells me, 'Does she know about that contest that his modelling manager is holding for Adrien's fangirls? 14 days with Adrien Agreste? She could get a chance to spend two weeks with Adrien under one roof!' and like, I just left him there, because you, because form, because... Competition! Marinette, you should totally join!"

I tried to take in what she had said. And, when realization finally sunk in, I almost pushed her off the chair and opened the form.

"Yieee!", Alya squeals, "What if you win? OMG! You'll get to live with him! Under the same roof!"

We both have a small squeal fest, and then she says something. "Make sure to answer it carefully, or else you couldn't win!"


[ adrien ]

"Why is my son involved in this, again?!", Father grumbles. He is currently talking to my modelling manager, Chéyenne, over the phone, asking why she made a contest about me without his permission.

"It's a competition to spend two weeks with him in a house, sir. Sponsors are pouring in. This could mean money...", she trails off, and I could sense the devious smirk on her face. My father nods.

Ah, well, I'm used to being their way of earning money, I guess.

"Okay. I'll agree to this.", Father nods, glancing at me and Nathalie (who was right behind me). "Only on one condition."

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