Day 08.5 » The Dark Knight?

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Adrien stared at Marinette as she was transported into another car. He didn't know what was going to happen to her, but he was worried. What if they hurt her? Adrien couldn't protect her then, that's for sure.

"Get in." Adrien was once again pushed harshly towards the car, the built man behind him seeming to lose patience on the boy. His eyes glared down on him. Oh, if looks could kill...

Adrien obeyed immediately, but not after taking one last glance at the car Marinette was in. He stayed still in the middle of the two buff men at the back of the car, not wanting to lean towards them or have any contact with them in any way.

When she spoke up, that was only when he realized that Chéyenne was in the same car he was in. "This is going to get all Batman and shít from this point onwards."

"Batman and shít?" Adrien questioned. He didn't like cursing, but he knew there was something that was gonna happen. And that something was going to be bad, he can tell.

"Yeah. Remember, that movie where the Joker bombed a hopsital and then made Batman choose between two warehouses? To choose the love of his life or someone he should save to save himself from the bashes of the people of Gotham city?" Chéyenne says, feigning sweetness in the tone of her voice, "And the face of the person he had to save is split in half from the fire and— ah, well, I guess you already know what it is."

The Dark Knight. Adrien knew that movie.

"What are you gonna do?!" He wanted to lunge at her. He even wanted to pull a cat fight on her! He didn't care if cat fights were for girls, he just wanted to pull out every bit of hair from her head and slap some sense into her small mind. He really did want to. But he didn't want to have his ass beat up by two buff men at the back of a car.

"Let's just say, I'm going to play the Joker." Chéyenne turns from the passenger seat to Adrien in the back, "And your father is going to play Batman."

"Well, Chéyenne, you seem to fit in with your "Joker" personality. You have a lot in common." Adrien spat at her, venom dripping at the tone of his voice, "You're both evil and you cake your faces up with makeup! What's next?"

Chéyenne hissed at the boy's statement, before calming herself. "Well, at least my father wouldn't have to choose between my life of a girl he barely knows."

Adrien knew what she meant.

And, even though he wasn't religious, Adrien prayed.

Adrien prayed that his father would choose Marinette instead of him.


Shortly after that car ride, they arrived at a warehouse, just as Chéyenne had mentioned.

The two men beside him harshly shoved him out of the car and hurried him into the warehouse for "safekeeping".

Well, safekeeping for them from their crimes, but not safekeeping for Adrien from his impending death.

"Mateo, François, take this young man inside." Chéyenne told the two men as they practically dragged him into the warehouse, "I have a call to make."

Just when everyone possible was out of earshot, Chéyenne took out her phone and dialed a number.

"Hello?" The voice from the other side spoke in a rude, high-pitched manner.

"Hey. It's Chéyenne. The job's almost done." Chéyenne smiled into the call, "Get your payment ready, Mademoiselle Bourgeois."

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