Day 06 » Bienvenue en Enfer

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kill me for the late update haha pls you'd be doing me a big favor (:

— bienvenue en enfer : welcome to hell
— les feuilles d'automne : autumn leaves

(( i hope my french classes pay off in this book lmao ))


Marinette didn't wake up on her bed.

She arose from the cold, hard floor, her eyes darting around the area. It was dark, the only light source was pouring in from a small window from afar. It was night time - probably dawn - that was for sure.

"W-Where am I?"

Marinette couldn't help but stutter. She was nervous, and she was scared. She hoped that this was all just a bad dream, but after pinching herself several times, her own self confirmed that she wasn't.


Her voice echoed throughout the wide space. She was afraid. What happened to Adrien? Was he okay? Was he hurt? Is he here?

At the moment, she was thinking more about the well-being of Adrien more than herself - but then again, when did she not? Ever since she came across Gabriel Agreste's famous Autumn collection, Les Feuilles D'Automne, where Adrien modelled in, she had never seen any other boy the same way she saw Adrien Agreste. In the three years that she had come to like him, she always thought of him before her. What did he eat for breakfast? Where is he having a photoshoot right now? Is he alright?

And that is why, now, when she had gotten so close to being a friend to who she always thought of being the love of her life, she had never been so concerned for him.

"Marinette? I'm here."

Marinette felt a huge weight lifted off her shoulders when she heard his voice echo around the area.

She immediately stood up, blindly navigating around the area.

"Oomf.", she muttered when she came in contact with a wall. Adrien had to bite back a smile - even when they were in an eerie situation, she was still the cute Marinette he always saw her as.

"Adrien, where are you? Better yet, where are we?", she asked, her voice filled with vulnerability and fear. It broke Adrien's heart to hear her like this.

He knew who was the only person behind all this.

"I don't know, Marinette.", he replies, chewing on his lip nervously. "All I know is that Chéyenne is behind this."

His voice filled her ears like a waterfall filling a lake. After all these days of talking to him, conversing with him, being an acquaintance to him - she still couldn't grasp the wonder that is his voice. Sure, they were in a serious situation, but could you blame her for fangirling?

"I knew that there was something fishy behind those glares.", she grumbled in response to the blond boy's statement.

"Yeah. I should have known.", he mutters, guilty for not believing Marinette when she suspected Chéyenne's glares from the day before. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you yesterday."

"Hey, it's alright. It doesn't matter now."

He could almost hear the reassuring smile that grew on her face as she said this.

She continued, "What matters most is where we are, and how we're gonna get out of here."

"Right.", he agrees, standing up and brushing himself in the process. "But, first, we have to find each other."

"Okay.", Marinette flailed her arms around, occasionally telling Adrien how many steps she had taken since she last said so, and vice versa. That went about for a few minutes - probably about half an hour - before Marinette found herself touching a warm arm that contrasted to her cold fingers.

"Marinette? Is that you?", she heard Adrien ask from right in front of her. Marinette giggled rubbing her hand against his arm. "Yeah, Adrien, it's me."

"Good.", Adrien lets out a nervous chuckle, "I thought I'd lost you."

Marinette's heart fluttered at his words. He was one sweet talker.

Just then, a blinding light turned on. Marinette used her other hand to shield herself from the light, and so did Adrien. When their eyes adjusted to the brightness, they lowered their arms. They were in a big... theater?

And then, they saw Chéyenne, walking straight towards them, lips curled into an evil smirk and hands slowly clapping at the sight of the two. Adrien instinctively stepped in front of Marinette, who held on to his arm tighter.

Chéyenne's smirk grew even wider at the sight of the two and stood up straight.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't two of my favorite people!", she says as she continued slowly applauding at the two, her smirk not wavering at the slightest movement.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my favorite manager.", Adrien retorts with a mock. If looks could kill, Chéyenne would be mere ashes by now.

"Don't mock me, kid.", Chéyenne's voice dropped from its former sarcastic one. She glowered at the two as she stopped clapping. "Don't even try."

"Why are we here, Chéyenne?", Adrien practically snarls at the woman as she stood a few feet away from them, shifting her weight on one foot and crossing her arms behind her.

"Oh, you know,", Chéyenne says in the most casual tone possible, "A certain someone didn't hold off their part of the deal."

Adrien knew that that was directed to him.

"And, you,", she glances at Marinette who stood behind Adrien, "You made a big mistake succumbing to his petty plan."

"H-How did you know?"

"Simple. Sound recorders.", Chéyenne winks at both of them, "No one escapes the burning glare of Mama Chéyenne."

"W-Wha--", Adrien as cut off by Chéyenne, who decided to speak up once more.

"I anticipate everything, Adrien.", she says in a low tone, finality laced in it, and it frightened both Marinette and Adrien.

"A-And what are you gonna do about it?", Adrien tried his best to be sassy at her, but failed when he stammered.

"The unimaginable, my sweet Adrien.", Chéyenne says, feigning sweetness in her tone. "I'm going to destroy whatever's left of your perfect little life. Starting with your precious father."

Chéyenne turned around, starting to walk away to the source of the light. Before she disappeared into the darkness behind the light, she turned to the two, hands on her hips, and an evident grin on her lips.

"All I can say is - bienvenue en enfer."


[ A/N ]

This is irrelevant, but I s2g I really want to fall in love with the amount of love songs playing on the radio ugh wHy

So helloooo frens!! Mhm shít is going down, but not for long, bc a certain Gabriel Agreste will save the day (ooh shocker!)

I just spoiled y'all but idc ahahahaha bc I love you allllllllll <33

Vote and comment if you enjoyed! xx

Stay wonderful :)

- Pia <3

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