Day 04.5 » Choices

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238 reads now whAt ?? tysm you guys!! this is such a huge amount to me, especially bc this is still the seventh chapter i published :o


[ adrien ]

I barely shut my eyes to sleep.

I sat up on the bed, taking a good, long look at the clock on the bedside table. 2:58 am.

This was too much to process.

It all made sense now. There were no bodyguards needed because there were cameramen filming our every move. I swear I noticed a hidden camera or two from the past days, but I shrugged it off, thinking that I was just seeing things. Apparently, I wasn't.

I was infuriated, to say the least. Chéyenne had deliberately lied to Marinette - ah, well, I surely hoped that the cameramen filmed that, but I highly doubted it. She lied straight to the poor girl's face, and Marinette was left unknowing. And then, she threatened to kill my own father, when she perfectly knew that he was the only family I had left. What a witch.

She really liked using me for money. She really liked threatening me. It had gone on like this for about five years now, ever since I started modelling. I just couldn't defend myself against her - I mean, why believe a teenager? Society always thought teenagers were liars, anyway.

The time on the clock now read 3:35 am. Wow, I was sitting on the bed, thinking, for that long?

I wished I could spend the rest of these days thinking so I wouldn't have to break Marinette's heart and spare my father's life. If only that was possible.

Giving up on sleep, I stood up and made my way down to the kitchen. I made myself a glass of warm milk, hoping that that would help me sleep, even just for a few hours.

I stared at the 'hidden' camera on the farthest corner of the kitchen, filming straight at me. I stared - no, wait, I glared at it for a good five seconds. Sometimes, I just wished I had laser vision, so that I could have destroyed it. So that I could destroy ever goddamned hidden camera in this goddamned mansion.

But, then, I almost jumped at the figure who appeared right outside the doorway.

"Can I come in and join you, Adrien?", she asks timidly, yawning a bit.

She even looked beautiful when she was half-awake.

I nod and let her take a seat beside me. We were quiet for a few moments before I decided to speak up.

"Why are you up so early, Mari?", I ask, trying to pick up a conversation with the girl.

"I just couldn't sleep. Insomnia, I guess. Or homesickness.", she sighs, rubbing her eyes sleepily. Insomnia? But she's so sleepy.

"I miss my parents. I miss my best friend, Alya. I miss my home--", then, she realizes her words and becomes flustered, "I, uh, I mean-- it's actually nice to be here with you and all, but I, uh--"

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