Day 14 » All is Well

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thanks for almost 3k!! ♥ sorry for the vvv late update. this is the last(?) chapter :-)


5 days later

"Chéyenne Méprisable is behind bars today after being proven guilty after allegedly kidnapping Gabriel Agreste's son, Adrien Agreste, and an innocent girl named Marinette Dupain-Cheng with quite a despicable scheme - using a manipulative form on the internet.

"'I swear, there's a mastermind behind this! It's not me!' Méprisable says in court earlier today, defending herself. Despite the orders of the court judge to reveal who this 'other' mastermind is, Méprisable refuses to tell.

"As of now, the two victims have been returned to their respective families safely. Mayor André Bourgeois has released a PSA about the wise use of forms on the internet and that-"

Marinette turned off the TV and trudged up the stairs to her room.

Three days had passed since Marinette was permitted to go back home and recover from the trauma that the alleged kidnapping had caused, but it had been almost a week since she had last seen Adrien.

She hasn't left their flat since she arrived home. Alya and Nino came over a few hours before, talking about the events that had occurred and explained how they tried to tell her. Alya apologized a thousand times over, Marinette dismissing each apology with a smile and telling her that none of it was her fault. The three friends caught up with each other before the two of them left for their movie date.

Marinette missed Adrien. But not in the I-met-my-idol-for-a-few-minutes-and-now-I-miss-him-like-a-mad-fangirl way; she had stayed with him for five days. She had seen sides of him that wasn't exposed to magazines, and saw how Photoshop couldn't fake the kindness and sunshine that radiated from the boy.

She stared at the walls of her room that was adorned with posters of Adrien. His face literally invaded her room and there was nothing else that could come to mind when she looked around but the curiosity that ate her up when it came to him. Was he okay? Was he safe at home? Is he even thinking about her the way she's thinking about him?

She took a seat in her pink office chair and grabbed a pen and paper. The thought of Adrien constantly inspired her these past days. Maybe it was the short yet meaningful time they spent together that made her feel this way. Yeah. Maybe that was it.

She started sketching on the pen and paper, her hands moving as fast as her brain did, and, once she was finished, she had drawn a black cat. She wondered, why a black cat? She looked at the cat's green eyes and was reminded of Adrien. Her gaze wandered over to the numerous Adrien posters on her wall, his eyes vaguely staring at her. It was just a picture. It could never be the real Adrien.

She missed him.

So much.

"Marinette!" Her mother's voice called from downstairs, making her snap out of her trance and break her gaze from a picture of Adrien, "Someone's here for you!"

"I'll be right down, maman!" Marinette replies, slipping her shoes on, opening the door that led to the lower floor and scurrying down the stairs.

She tripped on the last step like she always does, and came stumbling towards a pair of familiar sneakers. She furrowed her eyebrows at the sight of them and tilted her head upwards to see whose sneakers she came face-to-shoes with.


The girl quickly stood up and brushed herself off and tried to cover her face with her bangs in a bashful way. Adrien smiled at the sight of the girl - he had missed her so much, too.

"Hello, Marinette!" The bright smile that Adrien always seemed to wear became wider as he mentioned her name. Marinette's blush certainly couldn't get any more its color as she tried to mutter out a "H-Hey, A-Adrien."

"Sweetie," Sabine spoke up from their greeting moment, obviously not aware of who Adrien was, "Why don't you bring Marinette out? She hasn't gone out in a few days."

"Okay, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng." Adrien says respectfully, "I'll bring her back before 8!"

And with that, he took her hand and led her out of the building.

Sabine smiled at the two retreating figures. She hoped they'd end up together.


Once they were out of the bakery, Adrien didn't let go of Marinette's hand. Instead, he intertwined their fingers, with the beat of both of their hearts growing faster by the second.

Marinette could explode. Adrien could jump off a cliff in happiness. But the both of them didn't notice their bashful expressions because they were too caught up in their own feelings for each other.

"Do you want to go watch a movie or something?" Adrien asked as they came close to a movie house, "It's been a while since I got to watch one."

Marinette remembered that moment when they were picking out DVDs and the first time they held hands. She squealed internally at the memory, seeing as they were in a similar situation right now.

"Oh, yeah, sure," Marinette tried to be as discreet as possible, but she couldn't hide the happiness in her voice.

There were only romance movies on, and they picked the least cringe-looking movie they saw. Adrien forced Marinette to let him buy the movie tickets, so Marinette didn't have a choice but to agree. He bought popcorn and other snacks for them, too.

"Let's sit at the back!" Adrien enthusiastically said when they reached their designated area. With a bag of popcorn wrapped in his one arm and a plastic full of colas in Marinette's other hand, he pulled her up to the back of the cinema. There was nobody sitting there, anyway.

Thirty minutes into the movie, they mutually got bored. So they started talking about whatever was happening in their lives right now - Adrien and his father mending their relationship, and Marinette doing whatever (except for her mind constantly wandering to Adrien.)

"Marinette?" Adrien asked in the middle of Marinette eating popcorn.

"Mmm?" Marinette asked with a full mouth, then she swallowed her popcorn, "What is it?"

"I was meaning to tell you something back at the warehouse," Adrien told her slowly, "But since we see each other personally now- you know, uh..."

"What is it?" Marinette asked, now tilting her head sidewards and making it harder for Adrien to say it.

"I... I like..." Adrien started to say.

Marinette's heart was beating hard against her chest. Not because she thought he was gonna confess to her, but because she thought that he was going to say he liked someone else.

But guess how she reacted when Adrien finally said, "You."

"Huh?" Marinette was trapped in disbelief, blinking twice, "What did you say?"

"I like you, Marinette." Adrien smiles shyly, "I like you a lot." But his shy smile slowly disappeared as he said, "I hope you don't reject me."

"Why would I?" Marinette had the biggest smile in the world now. This was so surreal for the girl.

"So, that means, you, you..." Adrien stuttered, his green eyes looking straight at her bluebell ones.

"Yes, I like you back."

Adrien couldn't contain himself. He put both of his hands against her head and pulled her in.

And, as they kissed at the back of the cinema in the middle of a boring movie, they knew.

They knew that, now, all is well.

The end.

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