Day 02 » Remembrance

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[ marinette ]

A knock came to my door.

"Mademoiselle Cheng, breakfast is ready!", I hear someone call at the door.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, adjusting them to the light that fled into my room. Where was I...?

And then, I remembered yesterday's events. I won a contest. I'm spending 14 days with Adrien Agreste. I talked to Adrien Agreste yesterday. My brain cannot process this much information! The thought of Adrien already drives me wild enough, and now I'm living with him for 14 days? My heart!

I take a quick shower, change out of my nightgown, and wrap my hair in a towel before going downstairs to eat breakfast - with Adrien.

Seriously, if I keep on repeating his name in my head, I might lose control over my mind for him. I've already lost my heart to him, anyway.

When I got down, Adrien was already in the dining room, eating some Italian-looking dish. It looked delicious. I took the seat in front of him and took a bite of the dish. It was macaroni and cheese, but fancier? Still, it was macaroni and cheese, and I love it!

"Good morning, Mari.", he smiles cheekily at me, using the nickname he devised for me yesterday. Hearing him say this made my stomach do flips.

"Good morning, Adrien.", unfortunately, I was lame at making nicknames, so I just stuck with calling him Adrien.

"This tastes good. Like, sophisticated mac n' cheese.", I comment, before taking another big bite from the dish.

"Yeah, it is sophisticated mac n' cheese.", he chuckles, "I guess we're starting our day off with a little cheesy vibe, eh?"

I laugh at his horrible attempt at a pun. Seriously, if he was Alya, I would already throw this bowl of mac n' cheese at his face. But his face is too perfect to be thrown at...

"Oh! Before I forget, Chéyenne told me that we're going out for the day.", Adrien informs me, before chomping on a spoonful of mac n' cheese.

I was kind of disappointed. I just wanted to stay here and explore. Ah, well, I had twelve more days to do that, anyway. At least I'm spending this day with Adrien...

Okay, I should stop that. Saying his name in my head dreamily even when he's in front of me sounds weird, to be honest. I should just keep my cool around him. Which is impossible.

"Where are we going?", I inquire, finishing off the bowl and rinsing it with water in the sink.

"Wow, I never met a girl who eats that fast before.", he comments, "Well, come to think of it, Chloé, my mom, and Chéyenne are the only girls I've seen eating in my life."

I couldn't help but notice the sadness that flashed into his usually bright green eyes when he mentioned his mother.

I let out a strained chuckle at his statement, anyway, since he looked like he was waiting for a response.

"You didn't answer my question yet.", I tell him, placing the bowl in the dishwasher.

"Oh, right. Haha. Um, we're going to the fair today.", he scratches his nape as he says this, "But it's just gonna be the two of us."

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