Day 05 (FILLER)

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[ v short author's note ]
from here on out, i'll be writing in third person, mkay? and i apologize for the late update. life sucks.


Chéyenne seethed as she heard the conversation of the two teenagers. She clenched her fist so tight, it felt like blood was about to drip from the grasp of her nails. She was that mad.

"So this is how he wants to play it out, huh?", she grumbles under her breath.

"What are you gonna do about it?", Renée, her assistant, asked from behind her. Chéyenne was silent for a few moments, taking deep breaths and shuting her eyes tight, thinking about her next move carefully.

"I know just what to do.", she smirks deviosuly, finally opening her eyes, "Tomorrow will be the day that all hell will break loose."


So far, their day - and their plan - had been running smoothly.

Adrien flirted with Marinette and flattered her with his 'remarkable' puns. She, in turn, played along - throwing in a fake blush here and there.

Adrien thought she was a really good actress.

It was just a few minutes after they breakfast when Chéyenne came. She said that the two will be staying home for the rest of these two weeks, earning a relieved huff from Marinette - who really didn't like going out, since she preferred pajamas over skinny jeans.

Adrien didn't seem to notice the deathly glare Chéyenne shot at him, but Marinette did. And she was frightened when the redheaded woman glare at her, too.

What did she do?

And then she it dawned on her - maybe she knew.

After the woman left, Marinette pulled out her phone and texted Adrien.

Marinette: Do you think she knows?

Adrien jumps when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and pulled it out. He read over Marinette's text and typed in a quick reply.

Adrien: I don't think so...?

Marinette shook her head in a disappointed manner at Adrien's response and responded.

Marinette: Hm. I doubt it. She glared at the both of us earlier.

Adrien could almost laugh at her text. Oh, she was so clueless. She didn't know Chéyenne the way Adrien did.

Adrien: Haha, don't worry about it. That's Chéyenne. She glares at everyone.

Marinette: Well... If you say so.


"Alya! Alya!"

Nino ran into the classroom frantically, looking for his girlfriend.

"Mhm?", Alya looks up from her phone, meeting Nino's eyes.

"I heard Chloé saying that they cancelled that show.", Nino says, in between his panting. "You know, 14 Days with Adrien Agreste?"

"For real?", Alya could almost fly in happiness. She was worried about her best friend's privacy being invaded without her consent. She was practically jumping in glee, even though she was seated comfortably in her seat.

Nino took the seat beside her. "Yeah. But that's Chloé, we never know for sure."

"I'll go look it up.", Alya says, just to make sure.

And she did, and the show really was cancelled. They both heaved a sigh in relief, happy that their friend got the privacy she had always deserved in the first place.

Little did they know, that TV show wasn't the worst part of it.


[ A/N ]

Here's a filler chapter yay!! Shít's going down even more in the next few chapters, so I might as well fill y'all in with whatever's in between.

Stay wonderful :)

- Pia <3

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