Day 03.5 » An Adventure in Itself

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[ marinette ]

I think I've been sleeping for three days straight, because everything seems like a dream. First, I actually talked to Adrien Agreste (and not just the "Hey, I'm your biggest fan and I want to marry you!" kind of talk, I mean the actual, conversational, 'casual' small talk); second, he held my hand for a huge fraction of yesterday afternoon; and the third, oh god, he kissed my cheek.

I'm positive this is a dream, because it's everything I've been dreaming about so far.

"Good morning, Mari!", Adrien barges into my room. I found it unusual that he was the one waking me up - then again, it was 11 in the morning, so I guess I slept through the time when I was awoken this morning by the chef who woke me up yesterday.

I barely got any sleep last night, since all of this still seemed so surreal to me.

I sat up slowly when he entered the room. My hair was a mess and my pajamas were as wrinkled as my grandmother's face. I tried my best to rub my face and make it as presentable to him as ever.

Adrien stared me up and down, causing me to hide under the blankets. "I'm sorry, I just wake up like this everyday!"

"You wake up looking so pretty everyday? I wonder how that feels like.", he mocks a dreamy sigh. He looked like he was joking, so I laughed at his statement.

But joke or no joke, Adrien Agreste called me pretty! Holy crud, I should have recorded that.

"You're bluffing.", I comment, not able to restrain the blush from forming on my cheek.

"Do I look like I am?", he asks seriously, staring right into my eyes.

Is my heart building some structure inside me? It's been pounding in my chest like a hammer pounding down a nail.

"Um, uh--", I stammer, placing a strand of hair behind my ear, hoping my hand covered the blush that made itself more evident on my cheek, "I'll, uh, I'll go take a-a shower."

I take my towel and some clean clothes and speed walk as fast as I could to the bathroom, my heart still beating like crazy in my chest.


When I got out of the bathroom, Adrien was not in my room anymore. He probably went down to eat lunch.

I went downstairs and into the dining room and saw Adrien already eating, staring into space. When he noticed I had entered the room, he sent a sheepish smile in my direction, and I smiled back.

On other days, I would be screaming because "Adrien Agreste smiled at me!!!" but he had been smiling around me a lot, so I guess I was kind of used to it? Still, my brain would literally stop functioning whenever he smiled.

"What's for lunch?", I ask him, taking a seat beside him and opening the silver-ish cover that covered the food.

It looked like some unknown dish - well, to me, anyway.

"I don't know.", he answers, taking another bite of his share, "But whatever it is, it tastes amazing."

"Like you.", I was about to reply, in a dreamy tone, at that. It was a good thing I stopped myself from embarrassing myself in front of Adrien Agreste, again.

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