Day 03.5 » Threats

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135 reads im sobbing tyasm omgalso big plot twist up ahead so uhm

[ adrien ]

We exited the library, hands still in the grasp of one another, and moved on to the second door.

"Oh my god.", It was my turn to gush at the room in front of me. There was a huge gaming console in the middle of the room, and there were joysticks waiting to be played with.

Tugging Marinette along, we made our way to the TV to play a game.

Marinette removed her hand from mine - and, to be honest, I kind of felt disappointed - as she turned the TV on and picked up a joystick.

"What do you want to play?", she asks, and, since she was a few inches shorter than me, she had to look up at me.

"Well, you choose, but--", I trailed off.

"I want to play Ultimate Mecha Strike III.", we say in unison. We laugh at that and take a seat. I take a joystick.

It seemed like we were playing for hours and hours and hours - but, really, it was just a little over an hour - and I kept on demanding a rematch because, hey, this girl is surprisingly good at this game.

"I joined a tournament of this game with my friend Max, once.", she explains proudly, "We won first place. We're a great team."

"And is this Max a... Boy?", I ask her. Why did I sound suspicious? And please don't tell me I'm jealous.

"Uh, yeah?", she chuckles at me. She's so cute when she's chuckling.

I dropped the thought about Max, turned the TV off, and took her hand again. "Come on, we still have lots of rooms to discover."

The blush on her cheeks had crept its way back when I intertwined our fingers again. I don't know why I keep on holding her hand - something about her hands just seemed so... Nice. It felt like I pieced together a puzzle that had been waiting to be solved for so long.

"What could this be?", she asks when I used my other hand to turn the doorknob of the third door. I pushed it open and, I think both of our mouths dropped at the sight.

"You were right, there really is a 'big ass screen' here.", Marinette laughs, mocking me with the statement I said a while back.

"Ha ha, very funny.", I roll my eyes, causing her to laugh even more.

There was a really long drawer filled with CDs and DVDs of all sorts. I wasn't a fan of movies, but, hey, Marinette seemed to be into them.

"I love this movie!", she gasps, holding up a CD. "No, wait, I love this movie more!"

She does that for a few minutes, gawking and gasping and jumping around at the sight of her favorite movies. Cute.

"Do you want to watch a movie?", I ask her, walking closer to her as she hugged a CD to her chest.

"I--", she was cut off by my phone ringing. I excuse myself and answer it, not bothering to move away from her. I didn't really need to hide anything, did I?

It was Chéyenne.

"Hello, Adrien.", she says, and I could sense that there was something going on.

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