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It's four in the morning and everybody is fast asleep. I took my blue backpack and filled it with the stuff I need - clothes to last for three days, cologne, powder, phone, cash, locket, ID's. The bag was heavy, but the result weighs out the cost.

I visited everybody before I left, making sure not to wake anybody.

I got out of the house just a quarter after four. The walk to the bus stop made me panic. I was walking quite quickly making sure nobody recognized me. I was wearing a very large hoodie on top of my shirt. It practically covered my face, making me see just the pavements I walk on.

My phone had no sim so before I rode the bus, I bought one and loaded it up. As soon as I got on the bus, I turned on my phone and the logo appeared. It flashed before my eyes just like the place I called home. Before I knew it, I was already kilometers away from my former house and my hoodie was already damp.

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