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The sound of Billie Holiday woke me up from a really serene sleep. I have this great affection for fifty's music, it just sound so meant. These days, it is rare to find songs that poke your soul in all the right places. The melodies that make you feel simple and happy. Maybe it's just my own musical preference or my considerable old soul, vintage records have this charm. They have the ability to make you take your mind off of the things that trouble you.

Wednesday mornings haven't been very kind to me, weekday mornings in general actually. I have a thousand questions and worries but I feel pleasant. I think I deserve just a bit of pure sweetness amidst this chaos. Mig was still snoring. Trying my best not to wake him, I pranced to the bathroom with my clothes and bathrobe. Locked it quickly and looked around.

A sink that can be mistaken as pearls, marble flooring and a bathtub that was to die for. I guess he's turned into one of those rich men in the medical field. A bachelor who splurges his wealth on material things, why am I surprised?

I run a steaming bath and quickly cleaned myself up. I usually take more time in the bath but since I set the meet up time, I had to be there on time at least. Don't get me wrong, I have a liking for being fashionably late for dates - just as long as I didn't plan it. Ironic, I know.

James gave me a dress for a birthday present a few years back and gladly, it still fits me well. I wore that and some flats. I kept thinking of an appropriate greeting for him but I thought of so many that I figured I'd just say whatever I think of first later.

I took a cab to Pioneer St. and when I arrived there, he was already waiting outside. He grinned and stood up. "Elena, oh my God woman, what happened?" Pulling me to his side, we walked to our table. "I'm so glad I got the XXL, you wouldn't have fit in this dress if I gave you the smaller one."

"Wow, James. Five minutes into the meet up and your already firing insults. You really are a gent."

"I know, I know. I've learned from the best. But on a more serious note, you look ravishing. I've ordered your usual."

"Thanks. Glad you still remember it." I shifted in my seat to place my bag on my lap.

He gave me a 'you're-not-serious' look and I just shrugged. "Who's to tell you've forgotten about me, James?"

"I'd never forget a lady like you. I miss you, actually."

"You miss me or the things I did?"

"Both, but more of you."

"See, you aren't entirely changed. You're still that sex-driven, goofball of a group mate I so clearly remember from high school. Only, you've gotten taller." He laughed and just smiled. Our drinks arrived and two cake slices. "Hmm, baked goods. How lovely."

"Ah, yes." James thanked the waitress and gave her a tip. Show-off, I thought to myself. "I rather like them also. So, tell me Elena, do you have any place in mind?"

I've already started munching on the chocolate cake slice and his question caught my attention. "Why?"

"Don't you want to go places?"

"I do, but let me finish my cake first." He agreed and we both ate and talked and enjoyed each other's company without sticking our tongue down each other's throat. It was nice to not have any urges. Not yet.

So, we finished our breakfasts and I told James that I wanted to go to a museum. He knew this place near High Street and we drove there. It was a half hour drive from here. I got in his car and off we go.

"Why in the world did you think of a museum this time? We could've gone to the movies, or maybe the library... Why a museum?"

"Well, that's a place where we can hold off all the temptations. I mean, would you want to fuck while small elementary children were watching? No, right?"

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