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My alarm went off marking and ending my sleep. It was already seven and I was lying on my own living room floor. I had my backpack as a pillow and a towel for a blanket. These days have been cold and unfavorable.

I stare at the ceiling and I tried to let the fact that I have my own place sink in. My second alarm goes off and I realized that I was staring at the ceiling for a good twenty minutes. Hmm, I guess it'll take a bit of time to get used to it.

I haven't bathed in a day, so that's the first thing I did. There was a heater in the bathroom. It wasn't as elegant as the former bathroom I've gotten used to but hey, at least it's mine. The water was pleasantly warm. I did the basics and even shaved a little. Today was the start of something excitingly delicious and I wasn't going to let anyone destroy it. Only today.

When I got out of the shower, I immediately text the gang my location and they responded with an 'otw'. I changed quickly and head downstairs for the payment details.

"Jack?" I lightly knock on the door, "It's Elena, from 523?"

"Come on in!" He called out from inside and I opened the door. His office was the typical type; desk, tv, paper work and a telephone. "Hey kid, ready?"


"So here's the contract," He pointed at the first paragraph of the two page contract. "It's short. The first page's just your basic information. Name, age, gender, primary residence... The one after that is about the rules in the building itself. I suggest you take a look at it first, to see if there's anything you want to discuss."

'RULES AND REGULATIONS' was written on top of the document in vibrant black. It was pretty simple, actually.


Tenant shall keep the premises in good condition. Tenant shall not vandalize or damage any object that is not under their name. If Tenant shall fail to abide by this rule, a fine shall be in order.

Tenant shall not interfere with other tenant's premises.

Tenant shall pay rent promptly on due date. For every succeeding two days of unpaid rent, tenant shall need to pay 10% extra.

Tenant shall not make any alterations in or about the building without written permission of the landlord.

No tenant shall interfere in any manner with any portion either of the heating or lighting or other apparatus in or about the building.

Automobiles shall be parked in the basement parking area. Each tenant is entitled to one spot which is determined by their apartment number.

Tenant's garbage, which is to be wrapped in plastic garbage bags, shall be thrown only in the garbage chute. If tenant fails to abide by this rule, a fine of 100.00 shall be collected.

Doors to the apartments shall be closed at all times.

Tenant shall not throw a party which will go on later than 3:00 AM.

Landlord shall have the right to inspect the apartment at any reasonable time.

The landlord reserves the right to change any of the foregoing rules by rescinding or amending, or to make such other rules or regulations as are deemed necessary to provide for the comfort and convenience of all tenants, and for the safety, care, proper maintenance and cleanliness of the premises.

In signing this contract, tenant shall be agreeing with all terms written above and tenant shall abide by the said rules.

"This seems about right. Do you have a pen?" I ask Jack and there was a hint of surprise on his face.

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