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Left foot, right foot. One in front of the other. Jet black walls blaze as Elena walked through the hallway. She left everything behind before, she can do it again. She didn't worry a single bit about leaving the building dead. She's accepted the fact that death was her old friend.

Elena arrived at Tirene's door step. She gently twisted the doorknob, trying to stay subtle. Her eyes met the abode of Tirene. It was annoyingly glamorous. Shades of blue and silver showered throughout the place. A big window was directly across the door. At least, she'd pass before the view of the city.

"Tirene." She called, in a sing-song voice. "I'm here!" Elena spread her arms as wide as they could get. "You can chain me up now, hang me from the ceiling, do whatever you want!"

Two men stayed behind Elena. She could see them. "Seriously, Tirene? You got me body guards?"

"They're the human boundary, if you will." Tirene sprung out from some door with a black weapons bag. "They keep you in here, never let you out until I get what I want."

"What do you want?"

"I want what you have; power." Elena scoffed at her immature claim. In Elena's mind, Tirene was a woman of power. She had knowledge, connections, money. She couldn't understand why she wanted her, of all people.

"You must be high if you think I have even an ounce of power. I mean, if you so dearly want that, why not take down the president? He's a much better choice than me."

"You have power, you twit. Your father built an empire with all he had and now, it's being given to you. He gave it to you, his pathetic, ungrateful excuse of a daughter."

"Why not build your own empire, Tirene? I may hate my father but I won't give up any of those hospitals to you. I'm not a dumb bitch like you."

"Tie her up." Tirene ordered the men behind Elena. Elena showed no resistance. She just let them bind her to a chair. "The longer you keep that information to yourself, the closer you are to death. I've tried negotiating with you before, it never worked. I know better now. You're as stubborn as they say you are. I'll do it my way now." Tirene opened up the black bag. It rolled open, revealing Tirene's best friends; chemicals.

She browsed carefully, trying to decide what she'll use on Elena first. "Ah!" Tirene slid a thin syringe out of its pocket and she stood in front of Elena. She lifted her chin and asked where the papers were again. Elena kept quiet and it pissed her off. "This... is histamine. Do you know what this is? I bet you do. I bet you know it hurts like a bitch." Tirene held the syringe up in the middle of Elena's face.

Elena kept a straight face, even though the thought of that thick needle pierce her skin triggered her. Her heartbeat immediately sped up as Tirene showed her the tube. It was clear, and she prayed so hard that it was just warm water.

"Hmm, let's see. Where should we pump up first?" The deadly aunt scan Elena's body. She had a vile smirk plastered on her face. Tirene ran her fingertips across Ellie's shivering skin. Trembling as her touch invaded her surface, Ellie forced herself to act unaffected. She did and she did a very good job of it. It seemed as if she couldn't care less on the outside while in the inside, she was going mad.

"Ah!" Tirene whispered in joy. She grabbed a hold of Ellie's cold, shaking hand and nicked the cap off of her syringe. She stretched out her arm by it and lightly tapped the needle against her forearm. Tirene mercilessly plunged the needle into her skin making Ellie groan in pain. She pumped the histamine in Ellie's poor arm without any hesitation.

Elena's arm started to turn red by the second. She could feel the tingling sensation grow. It worsened as time went by, it began to puff up. She wanted to scratch it so badly but she couldn't. The more she wiggled, the tighter her restraints got. She was doomed and she couldn't do anything about it.

"So, Ellie, have you decided? Are you ready for me to stop? Because I won't stop until I get what I want so why don't you make it easier for yourself? Tell me where you hid the papers and let's put an end to all of this."

"Over my dead body."

"Alright then, you asked for it." Tirene then proceeded to pump all kinds of chemicals. Lead, neurotoxins, haemotoxins, you name it. She just continued to flood all of these in Ellie's body, totally disregarding the fact that they were of blood relations. All Tirene wanted was the papers to her brother's properties. She didn't care about what she had to do, or what people would say about it.

If she needed to kill her whole clan just to gain that power, she'd kill every single one of them. She'd go through the extremes that if her children posed as a threat, in her eyes, they'd have to go.

We all want things in our life and most of those are out of reach. We do everything we can to inch closer just to get what we want. Our only weakness would be the greed we earn along the way. Craving for power, for money. No peak is high enough for those who want the world. Sad thing is, nobody can get everything they ask for. Even if they give up everything, even if they hurt those around them, even if they end countless lives. They'd do anything, just about anything, for a single thing.

Beware of the like.


Helloooo~ ♥

Kinda short so forgive me, i'm not used to writing suspense/torture/action(?) scenes.

New chap to come soon, stand by *kiss emoji*

love lots! 

Camille! ♥ 

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