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❨ mig ❩

I stood in a dark hallway where the light was literally at the end. I made my way to the bright room and I couldn't believe my eyes.

The blue chairs were all in the right place and the bulletin board was made. The doorknob was nowhere to be found, just like the old days. It made me smile, thinking about how our room was missing some parts but nevertheless felt like home.

I walked in to feel the crisp, comforting coldness. Everything was in their places: the bell on the teacher's table, lost diaries, the huge pillar in the corner and the bookshelf by the altar. It was goosebump-worthy but what really struck me was her. She was sitting by the ac and by my seat.

I walked up to her and examined her carefully. Her hair was made, with half of it tied up. She was in her big, grey jacket. I was speechless, even her posture was so familiar. I heard her humming a tune which made my heart ache. She was writing something.

I called her out, but still, I failed to see the face of the woman who haunts my dreams.

Twisting and turning is the number one thing I do in the morning. This my denial - no, I do not want to get up. But I couldn't twist and turn comfortably because it felt like there was something by me. I tried wiggling it off the bed, thinking it was a pillow but it didn't work. Then I heard a muffled voice, which made me remember last night. It was Elena. She was by my side, sleeping like a baby. I turned to face her. 

Her dark, blonde-y, brown hair was a mess, but it sure did look awfully mesmerizing when the light hit it. Her cheekes were so plump, it was really hard not to pinch it. She held on to the pillow like it was her life. I am so fascinated by her. The interest keeps growing every second I see her, talk to her, or by merely being with her. I seem to be so entranced by whatever she has to say, and it's really fucking tough to act like I could keep up with her. Do I still want her? Do I still want to be with her? Before this, I thought I couldn't care less about her. What is happening to me?

My mental inquiry was cut by the sound of my ringtone. My phone was still up there on top of the cabinet. I never got to check my messages from Div. So I opened my inbox. When I did check them, they were just rants about her day. I never even asked.

While I was answering back to actual important messages, my mom called. I answered.

"Hi mom."

"Hi anak, how are you?" There was this soft radio music playing in the back ground. "Have you been skipping meals? Divina said you haven't replied to her messages since last night."

"Div must've forgot that I come home dead tired every night." I just heard my mom sigh. She really likes Div. Couldn't blame her though, Div always tries her best to please my mom.

"I will not mind you anymore, Miguel. But remember, I am still your mother and you are still my son. I did not raise y-"

"You to treat women badly. Yes, mom. I know." She has practically made it a habit to always slam that line in my face. I don't play with girls, it's just not my thing. Somehow though, my mom thinks I do.

"When did he start answering back, Lord? Sige na, I'm coming to your house." I froze up. What the fuck?


"I said I am coming to your house. I need to talk to you."

"About what, Ma? Can't we just talk about it when I'm home? Or I could meet up with you?" I tried convincing her because I couldn't let her see Elena here. "Let's go to Bo's, Ma. Don't you love their coffee?"

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