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"Miguel!! Open the door!"

This big throb in my head isn't leaving anytime soon with all the women pining after Mig today.

"Miguel! I swear to fucking God, if you do not open this door, I will break it down! And you know very well that I am completely capable of doing so!" Ugh, the most massive headache and he doesn't even bother to open the goddamn door.

As if, on cue, he comes down the stairs taking his time. He heads for the door and somehow does not make me hide. Is this about the whole 'I drank your wine' incident?

"Hello, Mig." I chimed in, "I am now very much awake and very much visible. Don't want me to hide for this?"

"You're not a problem for this one. And I'd rather keep my alcohol as you would like to maintain the health of your liver, thank you very much." He kept his phone and swung the door open. "Hi sister."

"Took you long enough, prick. I have news. And it involves her." She pointed at me and obviously, my jaw just dropped because number 1) I'm surprised she isn't furious at me and number 2) I'm even more surprised that she knew I was here.

"Andr- How- What in the blazes is happening? I sleep a bit and the whole world starts to become chaos?" She smiles and approaches me, hugs me even.

"I've missed you so much, you little heartbreaker. When I heard you up and left, I went mad! But then I remembered the line you incessantly said," And together we said my foulest vow, one that I thought would never leave my mouth again.

"I leave, but I never fade."

I've always been very fond of leaving and running from my most hazardous problems - away from my father, away from Carter, away from Mig and now away from the only family I have left. I like to restart even if it was practically impossible, considering the gigantic baggage I always carry. Physically and mentally.

"You said you had news?" Mig broke up the reunion by reminding Andrea of her purpose. He seems irritated of the sudden appearance.

"I do, and unfortunately, it involves you and your friends." She looked at me in solemn concern. "I've heard that Cade was opening a new bar and someone has tipped that a woman named Tirene Decampo was arriving. We thought that it was nothing and she wasn't to be of any worry. But when my team started to dig up info about her, I immediately knew she's here for you."

"Tirene?" Mig furrowed his brows, "I've never heard of anybody like that related to Elena. Are you really sure she's here for her? How many people have 'Decampo' for a surname? Huh?"

"Well, in this town, it's only her and her family. That woman, she came from Elena's hometown. She's notorious, Mig. Elena might have harm coming her way and I'm here to confirm it. Because if she does know this person, then at least we'll be a step ahead." Andrea sits in front of me and the sibling search for an answer in my eyes.

"I do. I do know this person. She's my aunt."

"Your aunt? Your aunt is Cresent Carden. The only sister of your mom."

"As much as I hate it, Miguel, I do have a father. And he has sisters, she is one of them. She hates me just as I hate her. I hate her. Although I want to evade all of this, she's here for a reason. Good thing we have the police on our side." If there's one thing my beloved auntie hates, it's being caught. That makes everything all too easy now.

"Elena, we're not the police." I looked at Andrea.

"What do you mean you're not the police? You tracked down my aunt, you knew her reputation down in that hellhole." She had this look of pity in her eyes and I wanted to gauge them out at that moment because I'm sick of being painted as a charity case.

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