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This is comfy. The matress was soft, the room was private. I had a screen to watch on and God knows that all I really need now is a mini-fridge. Though, reality sucks and you can't get everything you want so I still had to go downstairs to eat.

I wish I packed some food in my bag, I really don't want to go down. Mig and I... I don't have any idea why he wanted to talk about Carter. It's fine to have a conversation about him and all but I have to know why. I've never been comfortable talking about him before because of trust issues. I do trust Mig but it's been so long, what if he uses it to turn against me?

I still make my way to the kitchen and as I go down the stairs, the strong, delicious smell of french toast fill my nostrils. The milk and the vanilla with that melted butter.... Heavenly. Oh, and there was bacon!

Cautiously, I appeared in front of him. He was fixing up the table when he made a comment about my - well, his - shirt.

Mean asswipe. So what if we are practically the same size? I tried to make him feel bad, or at least guilty. I didn't know if it worked. When I countered his remark, my brother started blowing up my phone.

Ethan: Where are you?
Ethan: Are you okay?
Ethan: Where the fuck did you go?
Ethan: Mom is so angry w you, why tf did you leave? You know u can't leave the house, right?
Ethan: Is this really what you want?
Ethan: Grandma is having the police look for you.
Ethan: Please reply, Ellie. It's the least you can do.
Ethan: Ell, please.

I didn't want to deal with all this anymore. I know that if I go back there, hell is not even near what they're gonna do to me.

I surrendered to the bittersweet power of food. I took back what I said to Mig and started digging in. It was uh-may-ziiing.  It almost felt like everything was perfect but the thought of last night's conversation begun to bother my mind. So, I decided to bring it up.

"So are you gonna tell me why you asked about Carter or are we just gonna pretend that the conversation never happened?" I ask carefully.

He glances back as he says, "Well, I don't really have a reason. I was just curious."

"You always have reasons."

"Well, this time I don't" He souned angry. Like this was such a touchy topic. I just needed to know.

"Okay, chill. I was just curious, too."

I continued to eat my food. I begun to think about all the reasons why he acts as if his reason's as taboo as saying the name 'Voldemort'. Could he be in a fight with Carter? Or did Carter rub it in his face that we saw each other? No... Mig said Rodney mentioned it. Did Rodney say something? Why is he so pissed? I kept thinking about the possible reasons why and I hadn't noticed that he already went to some other place.

I cleaned up my dishes and retreated to the room. He was changing when I entered the room.

"You're going somewhere?" I ask. He was already all fixed up; his hair was in place and his strong cologne made the room smell real nice.

"I have a post-op to check on and some mass removals so, - oh, wait. Almost forgot." He rushed up to his loft and got a key. "Here's your key. It's for the gate and front door. Keep it."

"Uhm, okay. So what time are you gonna be home?"

"I'm not sure. Probably at six or seven."  Hmm, that's twelve hours from now. What to do?

"Stay safe then." I said as I went into my room. I checked my bank accounts to see if they've touched it. Fortunately, it's still intact. I decided to withdraw everything from it so I'd have some spare cash on hand. I'm not exactly rich after this but I'd be able to live okay, even without Mig.

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