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I went up to my nook and locked myself in the small space. I was just waiting for Rocelle to arrive. They were probably going to text me anyways when they do, so I decided to hang around social media first.

There was this photo I saw on Twitter, it was the poster for Saturday. Cade made sure that my name was diligently written on the center of the page. Well, at least my stage name. Funny how long it's been since I've used that name. I don't know why I decided to let go of performances before. I just did, and I've missed it since. What it felt like in front of hundreds of people, singing to your heart's content.; nothing could ever beat that. It was nirvana and maybe my upcoming performance might be not as glorious as the ones I've had before, but it surely will provide that euphoria even if it's just a bit.

I continued searching for songs I could perform. Singing hasn't really been my priority these days, so my voice is lazy and refuses to cooperate. Time went by and more than an hour has already passed. I retreated to my room at around seven-thirty and when I checked the clock again, it was already nine in the evening. The concern for Roce and Cade was starting to settle in but when I was about to send them a text, but they bested me by sending one first which says that they were already at the gate. I ran to the door, ignoring Mig who was watching some game on the tv.

"Roce!" I opened our gate and she was smiling. They bought some doughnuts for sharing, Krispy Kreme! "You didn't have to!"

"Actually, it would be rude to show up here without anything. This would be our first time entering this house." Roce said, she hugged me and I felt warm and loved. I've been receiving so much hugs today.

"I hope you like her choice. I tried to tell her that it would be cuter if she brought the cream ones? The ones with the emojis and sprinkles? But she insisted on the glazed."

"Those are my favorites, don't worry. She made the right call."

"She often does." Cade placed his arm around Roce and she couldn't help but blush. They looked at each other with gazes full of love. I wish I had that. "Well, let's go in. Enough of that now." They just laughed and followed me inside.

"Mig, they're here." I called out with a plain voice and he came out from the living room. "They have doughnuts and I'll be making some coffee."

"Look, Elena, I can explain why I did that. I wasn't prepared and I just didn't know what to do. I mean, jeez! I didn't see you for two years, how was I supposed to act?" Mig was pacing around the kitchen floors with his hand gestures and excuses. I was busy trying to make the coffee. Roce and Cade were just leaning on the kitchen island.

"Shut up, Mig and help me make the coffee." This freaking coffee maker was so high-maintenance. How could there be nine options for brewing like, I just want to push brew in the morning. Not blend, press, drip or whatever the hell there is I could push. Mig just sighed and the couple probably felt awkward because Cade just pulled Roce to the living room. Luckily, a game was on.

"I'm sorry, Elena. I really am." He lightly placed his hand on my arm to politely push me away. He made the damn coffee maker work, glancing at me repeatedly. He took me in and his sister helped me and still helps me with this dilemma. The very least I could do is tell him is that it is okay, right?

"I understand." I stood beside him and he smiled for just a second. He began to teach me about his coffee maker: what to press, what to put in, how long I wait. He made jokes which were corny but I laughed still.

"So, the quarrel has subsided, huh?" Cade came in and he got a mug from the dish rack. "Can I have some now?" I laughed and poured some for him.

"What's the score?" Mig asked while he got some mugs for the rest of us.

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