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"Yeah, I think her dress is too plain."

"True, true... Plus the make up doesn't help at all. It's too much, she looks like she can pass for RuPaul."

"Okay, you're too much Alvin. She just has a lot of product on, that's all."

"Keep telling yourself that, Rica."

What's with all the babbling!?

I sat up to find Alvin and Rica, sitting by me. I was in the apartment, on the floor. "Ugh, fuck."

"You're up!" Alvin clapped and Rica handed me a glass of water and a pain killer. "Don't ever make us worry like that again, Ellie!"

I was confused, I made them worry? How could I make them worry? I looked at them both, "Where's the mattress? The take out? Where's Mig?"

"Mig? Why would he be here?" Rica scrunched her eyebrows.

"He brought me home! We fought a-and then he drove me home and bought me take out and we kissed."

"Wow, bitch. You need to go see a psychologist." Alvin broke in. "I took you home, girl. You were sleeping on a park bench like a drunk homeless person. Be thankful that we arrived soon enough, someone was about to rob you."

"You took me home?" I pointed at Alvin, "Mig didn't?"

"Yes, Ellie. Honestly, he just stayed in the bar and he didn't even bother to come after you."

I just dreamt all that. Trickery. Delusions. False Hope. I guess he doesn't care that much.

"What time- What time did you guys get me?"

"Around two in the morning." No, no, no, no, no, no. I kept shaking my head. "Ellie, you didn't seriously think that he'd come get you, right?" Alvin joked. I did, though.

"Right?" Rica raised her voice a little, out of worry. "Oh God. Oh God, you did! Aw, honey!" She hugged my head immediately and caressed it gently.

I started to tear up and I just wrapped my arms around her. Alvin did the same to us both and we just hugged in the middle of my apartment. "Elena, you should just... you know..."

"Forget about that ungrateful motherfucker, that's what you should do! I never liked him for you anyways, girl. He was too clingy." I cried even harder because of all the support.

Heartaches are a little less painful when you got friends who'll give you a wake up call and hug you after. I've always been thankful for my friends, but right now, I feel blessed. They're the people who stand by me even if they haven't seen me in ages. Loyalty is rare in the world, so cherish it when you have it in your hands. Reciprocate it and you'll never live a helpless day. Strengthen it and you will never awake weakened.

"Okay, since it's too early for cocktails, how about some coffee? I'll pay!" Alvin cheered, of course we agreed. I got changed quickly and the other two freshened up a bit. I wanted to put on some make up but then I thought 'who am I trying to impress anyways?' so I gave up. It's just coffee. Rica knot her arms around mine and we were on our way.

I pray a bit that I won't be able to see him. We were going the other way, so he'll most likely not be there. I just really don't want to see him. We went to a Starbucks and got some frappes. As we were getting our orders, Roce and Carter came in.

"Okay... Hi guys, got an assembly going on?" Roce greeted and we all greeted back.

"Well, Miss E here got a bit heartbroken about Mr. Douchebag." Rica explained and Roce's lips parted a bit. "He really is the ultimate douchebag."

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