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It was two in the afternoon and we realized that we needed to agree on a nice, subtle duo costume. We hung on Google and Tumblr but somehow most of the costumes we saw were either too hard to find or too obvious. So we just said that anything black would work. Of course, I wasn't going to wear black. I needed something that'll make me pop and still be recognized as his duet partner. "I have to go to the mall."

"What why?"

"I can't just wear black, Charles. I need to pop."

"My God, Elena. You and your need to do that..."

"Please! Please, please come with me!" He nodded and we made our way to the mall. Just last month, I saw this perfect sequin sparkly dress hung on the racks. That would be perfect if I had that. That was the dress.

I dragged Charles through the sea of people to the formal wear section and he was so reluctant. Who knew dragging someone for at least ten minutes could leave you gasping for air? I didn't.

There it was, in all its glory. The shined in all the right places, as if it was under a holy light. I wanted it sooo bad, so freaking bad. I asked the saleslady to bring out an XL and an XXL, just to be sure. "That look really expensive, Ellie. Are you sure?"

"No. Not really. But it's what I want."

"Here we go again, Ellie."

"Hey, you're a year older than me. You don't gotta lecture me about wants versus needs you know."

"Exactly, I'm older."

"By a year!" He was enjoying my displeasure, for sure. But the lady came out with the two dresses and Charles suddenly became irrelevant.

I tried the XL on and it was gorgeous. It fit amazingly well. I took it. It was 2.5k, though. I guess I'll be eating cup noodles for the rest of the month.

The day passed and now we're here backstage. Nothing really happened in particular yesterday aside form practices and intervals of goofiness, courtesy of my duet partner. The artist before us just finished singing her rendition of defying gravity that wasn't so bad. I praise her for being so brave and singing that song. I still can't sing that, no matter how hard I try to reach the straining notes.

Cade came to the back, informing me that the cups have all been coated with the color changer. It was the liquid got by Andie's friend from the team. It literally changes color when any opiate* had contact with it.

I figured that Tirene would pour in some ketamine* in the drinks some way or another. It was the most subtle thing to do. She didn't like being obvious anyways. I can't risk being underprepared. I thanked Cade as he exited the area.

Charles and I did some last minute polishing and a bit of warm ups. The gang also accompanied us and cheered the both of us on. We were doing two songs and I'd do the last one. Two duets, one solo. What's there to lose?

My pride, dignity, identity, confidence. There's a lot to lose, but screw it. It's worth it.

I came out first and started singing...

Tell me something, I need to know.
Then take my breath and never let it go.
If you just let me invade your space, I'll take the pleasure.
Take it with the pain.

We started to harmonize in the bridge. So far, so good. The chorus was super clean and the crowd was cheering a bit. There was no sign of my evil aunt, which worries me a little. What if she found out?

I got utterly distracted when Charles started to sing his part. Inching closer, his solid voice started to send shivers down my spine.

I know your motives, and you know mine.

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