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"It's been a pleasure doing business with you, Carter. We'll notify you as soon as we deposit it."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Doherty. It's a real solid." Carter smiled cheekily as they shook hands.

"Tell Elena to get well soon and spend what she has well. She has a bright future a head of her!"


"Okay then. We'll get going! Thank you, son."

"A pleasure sir. Good bye!" Carter bade them good bye and packed up. "It's just you now, Ellie. I can't hear you anymore but you have to get out. It's just you that's left."

"Elena, darling, you have a visitor." Elena's eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning. She had hope that it was her plan unfolding but Tirene was still in such a good mood and a raid wasn't in play. Maybe it was some mortician to finally put her to rest, or something like that. She hung her head low and didn't even bother to look.

She heard the person's footsteps come closer to her. They stood in front of her and gave Elena the shock of her life. "C'mon, you won't even look at me now?"

Elena raised her head only to find the person who took her in, selling her out. She whispered his name and he just smirked. "That's right, baby. The one and the only."

"What are you going to do to him, Tirene!? Let him go! This wasn't the deal!" She was wiggling out of her seat but the restraints were too tight. "You promised me you won't touch any of them!"

"I did! But he came to me. Willingly. See, Elena? Was he held by the arms coming here? No. He arrived with no complications, no waiting. Try to be more like him, if you ever get out." Tirene poured some drinks for the guest and herself. She handed the liquor to him and he happily received it.

"Why are you here, then?"

"Tirene and I have... common interests." He answered simply and sipped a bit. The alcohol burned his throat. He gave up on the drink after that sip, placing it on a table. "Why are you so surprised, Elena? You saw us chat that night, right? What did you expect?"

"More from you."

"You're so disillusioned, Elena. You think too much of me, hoping that I'll come to save your ass again, might I add." Tirene told him to lay off of Elena. She called him to a room far from the girl. He was right, Elena was extremely disillusioned. He was one of the people who almost made her stay.

Tirene welcomed Miguel with open arms. The room was her office and as they entered it, Tirene assured Miguel that he could treat this place as his home.

"Home? Isn't that a bit too unlooked-for?"

"Well you are here to offer something, yes? You are my ally now and all those who intend to help me in my endeavors are treated accordingly. Any who, what is this thing you want to offer?"


"What?" Tirene laughed at the absurd notion of Miguel. Until she saw him with a straight-face, she didn't think he was serious. She gradually stopped as she only heard her voice echo in the room. "Now, let's say you're serious, what good are you to me?"

"Elena loves me. She'd do anything for me, for the whole group. She's always been that way; affectionate, protective and naïve."

"So you're allowing me to use you? Darling, have you any idea as to what I'm capable of?"

"You can use me to pry the info you want out of her. Once she spills, you let the both of us go. No more bloodshed."

"That was my original plan, only minus you." She paced behind her desk as Miguel prayed for a response. A fairly painless one. "I guess you can be of some use then. She's stubborn as hell, maybe you can break her down."

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