Part 13

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It's been 3 months and I'm trying to pick up the pieces to my life and somehow move on. It's so hard everyday Jr. kicks, screams and cries for Derrick. I can barely console him because I'm crying with him. Prayer gets me through the rough spots though.

I met with our attorney a week after Derrick passed, so he can read Derrick's last will and testament. Do you know Derrick left me absolutely nothing?! He left Jr. 2mil that is in a trust until he's 18, the business is being dissolved, the houses and cars auctioned off , all other remaining assets liquidated and given to different charities for adopted children. Derrick didn't want a funeral, he wanted his body donated to science. At least I don't have to look at him one last time. I probably would spit on his corpse from anger or pass out from heartbreak. But Jr. is set for life and that's all that really matters. I'm down to my last million dollars at this point. B and Maddy are also penny pinching....

Living an expensive lifestyle gets stressful. More money, more problems is right. Even though combined we are mf paid, our monthly expenses reach about 300 grand a month. We damn near aren't gonna make it to the middle of next year if we don't find Jeremy or cut back completely. I've spent the last few months trying to keep Ava from falling depressed that I haven't even thought about my brother at all. Let me put my private eye skills to use and find this little bitch.

I just found out someone is building up a small island near by. Those don't come cheap, so I decided to do my research. I'll be damn my brother is as stupid as stupid gets! He purchased the damn island and under his alias, WILLIAM BRADSHAW! Oh this is gonna be good. I also found some major new accounts on Ava and Jr's name. I know she didn't do it I have a hard enough time keeping her pep up and keeping her sexually satisfied. Time to pay this mf a visit....

I just purchased a private island. The last finishing touches are being completed on my mansion. I have 6 guest houses, a small amusement and water park, 2 basketball courts, 3 pool ls with one that wraps around half of the house and mf peace and quiet! I haven't even put a dent in this money. I wanted to show Ava I was serious about us, so I set up a $10 mil trust for Jr. and a $100 mil for her in an account solely in her name. Now to get my little family out here.

I had someone tailing Ava if she ever left that damn condo. She finally did. They followed with a camera so I can see her. She looked terrible. You can see the sadness on her, she was still well put together as usual but her face was dead. I sent the order to do a snatch and grab of Ava and Jr....

I need to get some fresh air take my baby to a park. Maddy was having a mommy/daughter day with Mya and B was up to something, who knows what. I decided to walk to get my blood pumping, we are barely up the street and this van pulls up and grabs me and my son. I'm trying to fight and I hear Jr scream mommy!!! Damnit my mommy strength kicked all the way tf in. But I pulled the .45 out a little too late, the bastards covered our faces with chloroform drenched rags. I faded out reaching for Jr....

🚨{Breaking News! Woman and small child abducted, caught on camera Tonight on Local News Channel 7}🚨

I dropped the entire pot of spaghetti all over the kitchen floor. I screamed so loud as Mya pointed at the tv. B ran from the back and said what's wrong?! I rewound the tv and he saw the broadcast. That little bitch!, he said. I told Mya to go in her room and play. B told me everything he had found earlier and he would bet his life Jeremy has Ava and Jr....

I'm going to get her, our son, and our money my mf self! I knew this mf wanted Ava but shes mine now. There is no way I will let him even for a fraction of a second think he's getting away with this.

It's 1am...
I used a jet ski to go half way out to the island and an underwater stealth board with scuba gear the rest of the way. I had 5 of my best guys with me and plenty of heavy artillery. We get to the back beach of the island. Jeremy is pretty damn smart to have watch towers and armed guards, too bad they all have to die. We have silencers, on everything, but what you do start to hear is silenced bullets slicing rapidly through the air and bodies dropping hard. I wanted my presence to be known once we made it to the house. I hacked the camera system to get a closer look and even his room was guarded. I sent one guy around to the back where the balcony to the bedroom was. I burst through the front door and set that bitch off! No silencers I wanted him to hear and feel me....

I awoke to Jeremy. He had me tied to the bed and Jr was still out. I him told I know you want to kill me shit go ahead, I have too much pain to live with I'm ready to go. Just don't hurt my son. Jeremy said, I'm not gonna hurt you I love you and plus Jr is my blood I could never hurt him. In total shock, I tried to search his face for answers as he hung his head. He told me he had went through rage and then jealousy when he saw me carrying Jr. He wanted that to be his child, for me to be his wife and for me to love him. My crazy ass laughed hysterically. Mf please you had me twice matter of fact. The first one genuinely with an open and loving heart. The second time I almost slipped and became your wife. Nothing will ever undo the hurt you've caused. But if it wasn't for you changing me I wouldn't have my son. That is my world over there, Idgaf about anything or anyone but him. *Machine gun shots rang out* I laughed devilishly and yelled HERE COMES THE CALVARY MF!!!!!!!!!!!

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